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I slowly opened up an eye, but once it hit the air it instantly began to sting.
Tears began to start and my eye closed.
My chest hurt and my throat hurt and stung every time I swallowed back bile.
I overheard a voice, at first my brain seemed to swish around the voice for a moment before it finally recognized who it was.

Telling Stones!

"I'm sorry, but she was long gone. The roof completely crushed her.."
A feminine voice responded back.
"I see...can I atleast see the others now?" Telling Stones asked her.
"Of course, right over here."
I tried to force open my eyes but they stung so much, it was painful.
I heard footsteps approach and a small gasp.
"Oh gods, Viktor.. are you alright?"
It was Telling Stones.
I shook my head. "My eyes sting..and I'm hurtin' pretty bad.."
My voice was so unfamiliar to me, it was scratchy and dry.
My throat also seemed to make it impossible to speak another word without awful pain.

"I heard about Kora...are you two alright?"
My heart ached and I sighed slowly.
"I'm...okay but, Yvette..she didn't sound herself during the fire.."
I croaked out and I tried to pry my eyes open again, they stung for a moment before the tears seemed to stop and I could actually see.
Telling Stones was staring at me with his intense blue eyes but he was slouching and his eyes were glazed.

The room was warm and my bed was cold with my sweat, there were two other beds by me and I could see that Yvette was laying on one.
Her eyes were closed and seemed puffy, red, and tears were streaming down her cheeks.
"She's still unconscious?" I asked.
Telling Stones nodded.

"This is going to affect her greatly."
He spoke up.
I glanced over at him.
"What do you mean?"
He shook his head. "Yvette was very close to Kora, losing Kora would be like Yvette losing her sight." His voice wavered a bit.
"She wont be in a right state of mind once she fully grasps that Kora is..gone."

That was a lot to take in and I felt really sad for Yvette.
I really hope she'll be okay.

I sat up and flinched from the pain in my chest.
Once I was in a comfortable spot I asked a question,

"Where's Filver?"

Telling Stones' attitude changed.
He snorted and shook his head.
"He ditched me while we were delivering; turned around to see him just..vanished."
Telling Stones shook his head.
"It's weird how he leaves and then this happens.."

"Do you think he did it?" I asked.
Telling Stones gave me a sideways look.
"I dunno, but...he might've?"
He sighed and rubbed his neck, playing with the spikes that tipped the back of his neck.
"I really hope not."


Yvette had suddenly exclaimed her sisters name from the bed next to me.
"Dammit she's...she's not here!"
She gasped out, sitting up abruptly and practically choking for air over her sobs.
She clutched the covers and was glancing around for her sister.

Yvette tried to get up but she broke out into a violent cough and rested back on her bed.

Telling Stones walked over to her side and spoke softly, "Yvette, you need to rest. Kora...she's fine, okay? You know that she's tough."

I stared at Telling Stones.
Was he really lieing right to her?
I couldn't believe it.

"Yeah but I saw her! She's...tough," Yvette slowly gave in to Telling Stones' lie.
"You're right..she's...she's okay."
She relaxed once more and coughed.

"Damn, this hurts," She muttered.
Telling Stones didn't say anything, he just paced around the room.
"Hey, Yvette, how's your arm?"
Yvette looked at me fora second, probably trying to process what I just said.
She then lifted a heavily bandaged arm and winced as she bent it alittle.
"Stings," She croaked. "But, it's okay."
"Where are we? And...why isn't Kora in here with us?"
Yvette questioned Telling Stones.
"When people realized the inn was on fire they contacted help immediately and they were lucky to have found you guys still okay."
Telling Stones didn't really answer the two questions (especially the one about Kora).
"Where is she? You said she was okay?" Her voice sounded angry now.
He didn't respond, just shook his head sadly.
"Yvette she...-"
I didn't even get to finish my sentence.
"You bastard!" Yvette screeched at Telling Stones, sitting up abruptly once more with clenched fists.
"I'm sorry for that lie, but I know you wouldn't have liked to hear it." Telling Stones responded back calmly.
Yvette snorted and held her head.
"She...I can't!"
She muttered out with tears falling down her cheeks.
Telling Stones sighed and I just watched her sob; breaking into coughing fits every now and then.
I just stared and felt bad since I really am not too sure what to do.

Telling Stones sighs, "I'll see you two tomorrow. Just get some rest and...just be safe."
Yvette just glares at him and twists around to face her back towards him.
I wave a goodbye and sink down in my bed, still in doubt about what just happened; about the fire...
It just seems so unreal..

Once Upon A Very Strange TimeWhere stories live. Discover now