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I touch my dinner with my wooden fork. I don't have much of an appetite after watching a head roll on the ground. I shudder. I just can not eat with that image in my head. "Hey hon," my mom says looking at me. "You got a letter today." I shoot my head up from my plate. "From Sal?" I ask. My mom nods with a smile. You see, Salvadore (Sal as I call him) has been my friend ever since we met. We used to go on adventures all the time....until we had to leave his village. I was super sad. But recently I have been getting letters from him and I am just so happy! I jump off of my seat. "Where'dya put it?!" I ask my mom. "It's in your room." She says. I run to my room and leap on my bed, which hurts since the only thing I have on my bed is deer skin. I pick up the letter and read it.
Dear friend,
I have moved from my village. Also I have just noticed I never caught your name. How odd. Anyway I would be delighted if we met in person. After eight years of us not seeing each other, I seem to have forgotten how you look. Please, we should meet each other.
Your friend, Salvadore.

There was then a map with the letter and something circled in red appeared to be where Sal was. I wasn't sure about meeting Sal. You see, I never really confirmed that this person was Sal. I looked at the map. He seemed very far away. Oh! Riiight..my name. I never did say what is was. It is Viktor. Weird, right? I guess I am pretty fond of it. I stare at the map, yikes he is far away. I walk over to my mom and tug on her sleeve. "Hey, mom, uh..here," I say as I hand her the letter and map. As she reads it over her eyes narrow. "Hm, I don't know Viktoria." She says. (Yes it's Viktoria but i just like Viktor.) How about when you're older she says. I can hear the crickets outside and the night moving in and shining through our windows. Making the room dim. What does she mean when you're older? Oh well, I guess it's bedtime. 

I awoke to shouting. The sun shone in my room through a window (which wasn't so pleasant). I pulled myself out of bed and fell on the floor. I got up and tip toed to my door. I cracked it open and saw my mother shouting at what seemed to be a..soldier. But it wasn't one of my villages soldiers, he was human rather than being a fur. My mothers face was twisted in sadness and anger as she shouted, "This is my home! You can't just..," she seemed to give up as she sat down and covered her face with her hands. "Listen, ma'am. I am sorry, but the Jarl has ordered me. So I must do so." He then handed my sobbing mother a note. With that, he turned around and left. I opened my door all the way and ran to my mother. The room was filled with her cries. The sun even hid under a cloud as the room went dark. I carefully grabbed the note and read it. It said.
By the order of Jarl Kivean of Frekkistod
Dearest villager of the Outlands. I have to inform you of the upcoming war. I will not sugarcoat this, if you want to fight for your ground then stay in your homes. If you do not want part in this battle then leave.
You have until tonight.
                                     Jarl Kivean.

I closed the note and saw my mother staring at me. "Viktoria..," she whispered as she hugged me. "My dearest child," she said, stroking my hair. "we have to leave this place." I broke away from the hug. "People will die, mother. We can't let that happen..right?" She grabbed my shoulders. "We can't.  But I cannot fight my dear. Neither can you." She whispered. "I will go pack." I murmured.

"Good girl," my mother said as she kissed my cheek. "Now go." She said as she patted me on my head. I nodded and walked silently to my room. I then looked at my desk. A piece of paper and charcoal lay there. "I should write to Sal," I whispered. I walked over to my desk and grabbed the charcoal. 
Dear Sal
Something happened today something not so good


I flung my sack over my shoulder and climbed onto the horse. I hug my mom as the horse began to trot. We were leaving the Outlands and are heading to a small village called Lilypad. There were also plenty of other furs going to Lilypad. And even other villages. I remember my mom saying how nice Lilypad is. Small peaceful and quiet, she had said. That doesn't sound so bad. As the horse trots I can feel the wind in my fur. And it feels really cool. It also smells...relaxing. "Nearly there," my mother says. I'm a bit excited to be honest. This place might be new looking, plus in the forest! In the Outlands the ground was covered in warm sand and there was not much to do. But here is awesome! Little lakes here and there, huge trees, and wildlife! Suddenly the horse stops and my daydreaming ends. "Here we are." My mom says as she gently climbs off the horse. She helps me down and grabs the rope she was using on the horse. She, the horse,  and I walk along the cold cobblestone path as we near Lilypad. We are then greeted by a nice wooden house and a cute little farm next to it. "Uhm, excuse me!" My mom calls out towards a farmer tending to the farm. He glances over at us. "Oh uh yes hello!" He says as we walk over to him. "Do you know whos in charge around here?" My mom asks.

"Here ma'am, I'll show you." He says with a smile. The farmer seemed like a pleasant man. He has longish golden hair, pretty little blue eyes, and hes wearing pretty cool clothes.

I guess I like him.

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