When They Have A Nightmare

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Marlow started dreaming about you being pinned down by his colleague Arvin as he slashed you with his talons as Marlow is forced to watch. You were crying and screaming in pain until Arvin bites your neck, roughly drinking your blood as Marlow cries out for you. He woke up panicking and that made you awake and you looked at him.

"Something wrong?" You asked

"I had a nightmare." Marlow said

He snuggle into you close, hoping that nightmare won't be a reality.


Arvin starts dreaming about you being pinned to the wall by his immortal strength and he grabbed your neck and snapped it. He woke up crying and that cause you to wake up and he started touching your neck.

"Um.." You said

"Sorry. Got a nightmare." Arvin said

You asked him if he can explain to you but he nodded in a no motion and he fall right back to sleep.


Heron's nightmare is very scary. He is being forced to watch as Marlow roughly feed on your neck as you are screaming out for Heron as you are slowly dying from blood loss as he is crying and screeching for you. He woke up in a cold sweat and he notice that you are fast asleep and he kissed your cheek and pull you close while he falls right back to sleep.


Zurial got a dream where you are running and he pounced onto you and snarled and roughly bite your neck as you scream in pain while he is drinking your blood and he keeps on going as you are getting pale. Zurial woke up crying and then when you came in your pajamas, he started to touch your neck to see if you got any bite marks from him.

"What are you doing?" You asked

"I had a bad dream." Zurial said

You asked Zurial if he wants to explain the dream he have but he couldn't. So you got on the bed and Zurial pulled you close and kiss your forehead while you sleep. Zurial hopes his nightmare won't come true.


Archibald's nightmare made him try to sleep but he can't because his nightmare is about when he is being forced to watch you getting your blood drained by Daeron. You were screaming in pain as Daeron keeps on drinking your blood and Archibald screeches your name. He woke up crying and you looked at him.

"You ok?" You asked

"I'm sorry Y/N. I had a terrible dream." Archibald said

You nodded as Archibald snuggle with you and you both fall asleep


Daeron got a horrible nightmare about you running as fast as you can until you are cornered and Daeron lunge at you and bite your neck so rough that you are loosing blood. You then slowly die and Daeron woke up and touch your neck and you look at him.

"What happened?" You asked

"I had a nightmare." Daeron said

Instead of talking about the nightmare, he touch your neck more and he kiss your forehead. He then fall right back to sleep.


Iris's dream is about that she is being forced to watch Kali as she is roughly biting your neck as you screamed in pain as she is drinking your blood. Iris is crying out for you and that made her wake up and touch your neck and face.

"Uh.." You said

"Sorry my angel ." Iris said

She then fall right back to sleep, hoping that nightmare she had won't come true.


Kali's dream is about you were running from her as she jumped on top of you and roughly bite your neck. You screamed in pain as she is drinking your blood and she screeched. She then woke up and cried as you came in wearing your (F/C) pajamas.

"Kali, what happened?" You asked

"Sorry I had a terrible dream." Kali said

You asked Kali to explain the dream and she can't. You then came on the bed as she put her arms around your waist as she fall asleep.


LVG's nightmare is that she is snarling and roughly biting your neck at the convenience store as you are screaming in pain and crying because it hurts. You then feel paler as she continues to drink your blood. She woken up in a panic and she sees you asleep as she touched your neck. She then kissed your neck and whispered in your ear.

"I will never kill you. Never." LVG whispered

She then fall right back to sleep, hoping she will never have that nightmare again.


Lilith's nightmare is that she is crying as she is forced to watch you screaming in pain as Agent Norris drank your blood. You were crying in pain, hoping for him to stop but he keeps on drinking. She then woke up and she is crying and you came in her room and she touched your neck.

"Something wrong honey?" You asked

"You're okay good. Sorry my sweetheart Y/N I got a nightmare." Lilith said

You then asked Lilith what her nightmare is about but she don't want to explain. She then kissed your lips and she pulled you close to her while you sleep

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