Part Five

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Dean had woken up bright and early the next morning.

He gentley moved away from Castiel's arms, which made Cas turn over because of the sudden movement, then made his way into the kichen.

He had proper ceral today, and a coffee to wake him up. He grabbed his laptop and searched down news reports.
Castiel woke up moments before he was about to leave.

"Dean?" He yawned and rubbed the last bit of sleep out his eyes. Dean smiled at him.
"Hey buddy, I found a case. I didn't want to wake you"

"No, no its fine," Cas picked up his battered old trench coat putting it on, "What do you think it is?"

"A spirit. You sure you want to come you look awful."

Castiel wanted to comment about Dean's state last night but he knew that would be out of order so instead he said he was fine and went with the freckled boy.

Dean was right.

It was a spirit and not a very nice one at that. But its sorted now. Dean smiled at a job well done then got into the impala. Castiel followed staring at Dean contently, as Dean stared back.

They stayed like that for a while. Staring. In silence. Content. Happy. Happy, that they had found each other and were together.

Dean broke the silence.

Then began driving. Castiel couldn't help but keep his eyes on him. The soldier, the boy who is so damaged and broken he believes nobody will love him. Nobody. But this makes Cas want to jump out and scream. Take him by the hands and tell him:
'I love you Dean Winchester! I've loved you since my fall from grace. I love you. Thats why I cant lose you. Not now- not whilst my grace is still gone and I am still human!"

"Cas," Dean repeated. Castiel jumped and looked at him, "Yes Dean." He responded.

"You okay Man?" He asked. Castiel nodded "Never been better."

"You sure? You blanked out there on me."

"Dean, I'm fine." The angel forced a smile to assure the Winchester.

They continued down the road and stopped at a diner, they made their way inside and sat at a table, ordering a beer and a jumbo burger.

"That was a good hunt Cas," Castiel nodded in agreement spilling special sauce down his white shirt, making Dean laugh and grabbing a napkin wiping it down.

"You're just like a child"
Cas blushed and smiled, "I guess I am" he responded.

They finished their meal and headed home to the bunker.

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