Chapter 8

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Harry P.O.V.

I am so proud of Savannah for defending herself. But, I could tell she was hurting.

I looked at Charlotte, she sickened me. Charlotte walked over to me looking proud of herself. I took a step back, but she made her way closer until I could smell her strong perfume. That stuff was like a punch in the stomach, too me. "Haz, lets go for a walk. Lets talk about it. We can make it past this small bump in our relationship." Her cold hands held mine. I used to think our hands fit perfectly. But now, It just seemed all wrong. It wasn't right.

I pulled my hands away. Her hands clenched her hands into fists, by her sides. "You really want to get back together after what you did to Savannah?" I wanted to scream. How dare she! She slowly nodded. "She's a freak. She not your type." She sternly said. I shook my head and let out a small chuckle. "And you are?" I continue to chuckle. She glared at me, giving me the 'stop that' look.

"Yes! I'm your type. We are just alike! We have so much in common." She smiled, making we wish she wasn't their. "We are nothing alike! And have nothing in common!" I threw my arms in the air, wildly. She shook her head.

"Charlotte, I would love to stay and chat, but I gotta go find my friend, and make sure she's ok." I turned around to walk away. But, she grabbed my arm and squeezed it tight. "Don't walk away from me, Styles. No one walks away from me." Her voice sounded so cold and bitter. I turned my head to take a look at her. "Well, I am. Bye, Charlotte." I jerked my arm out of her grip and walked away fast. I showed that bitch who's boss!

I jogged all over camp looking for Savannah. I asked all her friends. They seemed surprised I asked about her. So what? I'm her friend. Big whoop! I walked around the camp once more, and still no sign of her. But, there was one place I hadn't checked. The stream.  I couldn't blame her for going there. Its quiet and peaceful.

I quickly jogged to the stream. I made my way down the small path, threw the trees, around the bushes, and over to rocks. And when I got there, I saw her. She sat on the rocks, looking at herself in the water.

I made my way over to her little body and sat next to her. She looked at me. Her eyes were like glass, her cheeks stained with tears, her hair messy. She was like a puppy. I couldn't help but want to hug her.

"Savannah? Are you ok?" She just shook her head. I signed. "Savannah, don't listen to that dumbass. Your none of those things." She looked at her reflection in the trickling water and tears rolled down her face.

She took a deep breath and let her words poor out. "All I see is a fat whore. That's all i'll ever be. That's all I am. Why can't I be perfect like Charlotte." Did I hear her correctly? She did not just call her self that. I shook my head and looked at the stream. I saw both of us. "You wanna know what I see?" I didn't let her answer. "I see a beautiful, smart, talented, kind girl. And she need to realize that's what she is. Oh and, a handsome boy with fantastic hair!" She rolled her eyes and laughed. "I don't see it. I just see a girl who needs to put a bag over her head." What is with girl's and thinking there ugly? It's insane. Why can't she see what I see? Why can she see the girl I like? What!? I like her? Yah! I like her. But there's no way I'm ever telling her.

"Don't call yourself that. And Charlotte? You wanna be like Charlotte?" I was about to start to laugh but I stopped myself. She looked over at me. "Charlotte is so perfect. I can see why you dated her." She shrugged. "Look at me. She is far from perfect. She is a bitch. I don't know why I dated her. Besides no one is perfect. Perfect is boring!" I nudged her, making her kinda laugh.

"Harry?" She said, in her soft, sweet voice. I looked at her , grinning. "Yeah?" I tilt my head waiting for her response. "Thanks." She smiled cutely. I pulled her into a friendly hug. She hugged back tight, making me not want to let go. She was so fragile. So delicate. Like glass. Like a china doll. I felt if I squeezed to tight she would break. Which meant I needed to protect her so she would break.

I won't let anyone hurt you...I promise...

Savannah P.O.V.

I felt safe in Harry's arms? I did. He hugged me and I got butterfly's. I felt the warmth of his body on me. And his curls tickled the side of my face as he hugged me. Was it possible? T-that...I could like Harry? Yah...Maybe, I do. But, there is no way im ever telling him.

We both finally pulled out of the hug. I smiled at him and he smirked at me showing a little bit of his dimples. His cute dimples. "What?" I ask, watching him smirk. Then before I can move, he splashes me with water.

"Hey! Your gonna get it, Styles!" I say splashing him back. "What is with you and getting me all wet?" I laugh, and splash him again. he splashed me several times. before I knew it, I was soaking wet. And so was he. "I'm a mess! Thanks, Haz!" I sarcasm in my tone.

He laughed and walked over to the cherry blossom tree. "What are you doing, Harry?" He picked a blossom off the tree and placed it behind my ear, making me blush.

He was being such a flirt! I didn't mind tho. "Better?" he asks tilting his head like a puppy. I nod 'yes'.

We both started to he back to the camp. We passed a part of the woods I had never been in. "Harry this looks like a short cut! Come on!" I run into the dark part of the woods. Harry's eyes grew wide and pulled me back. "No! You stay away from that part of the woods! You hear me?!" He sounded serious. I nodded and kept on walking.

We walked in silence when I final asked. "Why can't I go back there?" He kept his eyes forward all serious. "It's dangerous. And I don't want you getting hurt. Got it?" He kinda scared me so I just nodded.

I looked back at the dark part of the woods and all he had said made even more interested in it. I wanted to see what was so bad about that part of the woods. I needed to find out. But, I listen to Harry and kept walking.

But this won't be the last time I go into those woods...And Harry can't stop me from finding out. I don't need a bodyguard...I don't need a babysitter...I'm 15...He's not the boss of me. I may have a crush on him, but I'm not one of those girls that will do whatever there crush says, or there boyfriend. I'm gonna find out more...Mark my words, Styles.

You can't stop me...


(A/N)~ Hey guys!! Thanks for all the reads!!! I'll post more later! Oh and comment what YOU think will happen next!!! Thankzzzz!!

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