Chapter 14

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Savannah P.O.V.


Standing right there, staring at me, an only me, with a rose in his hand, was Harry. We all just stared at him. He just stared at me. I wanted to disappear. Mainly because I was mess. My hair hadn't been brushed, I was in my PJ's, and my breath was probably smell terrible.

"AAAAAAWWW!!!" All the girls gushed at the site of the red rose in his hand. "We'll leave you two alone." Eleanor said, and they all headed toward the door. I grabbed Hattie's arm and whispered to her. "Don't you dare leave me alone with him. Don't understand I can't be around him. What if Charlotte sees?" She pulled her arm away. "Who cares what she thinks? And if you need anything, we will all be outside. Not listening at all." They all walked out.

Me and Harry stared at each other. I finally turned around an took my brush off the little table, and ran in threw my hair until every knot was gone.

"Savannah..." I heard his voice trail off. I didn't face him. I didn't talk. "You've been avoiding me. You won't talk to me. You won't come near me. What's going on?" I could feel his eyes burning into me. I still didn't face him.

He grabbed my hand and turned me around. I looked at him. "I'm sorry. I just..." I couldn't tell him about the Charlotte thing. It was my problem. Not his. "I was scared." He looked confused.

"Of what? The kiss? Me?" He looked hurt. I felt like an ass for making him like that. "I was scared I wouldn't be the perfect girlfriend you wanted." I looked down. I lied. I wasn't worried about that. Well, now that I've said it, I am. But, that's not the real reason.

He smiled his cute dimple smile. "Your perfect to me. I really like you, Savannah." He handed me the rose. I felt a blush creep onto my cheeks. "Your cute when you blush." He tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. I knew what he was doing. I showed a small smile.

Harry P.O.V.

Finally! She's mine! I think.

"I like you too, Harry." That's my Q! I put my hand on the back of her neck and pulled her closer as I leaned in. Our lips connected. I tangled my hands him her hair to deepen the kiss.

The perfect kiss seemed like it lasted ages. It was more like a few seconds. I finally pulled away. Her eyes slowly opened and stared at me. Her lips curved into a smile. She was perfect. She was amazing. She was mine. Finally mine.

"Thanks for the rose. It was sweet." Her sweet voice rang.

She was mine...

Charlotte P.O.V.

I walked down the path. Thinking of ways to ruin that blonde she devil. I stopped when I saw something I thought I would  see someday. Harry and Savannah...Kissing.

My blood boiled. My hands fletched into fists. And my heels dug into the ground.

She broke her side of the deal. Now it's mine turn.

Turning my heel, I walked away. I unlocked my IPhone an called one of my Dad's business friend. He owned a lumber company. That tree is just what he needed. And that stupid little stream would be torn apart as well. I'll make sure of it.

"Hello?" His voice rang threw the phone. "Hey Tom! It's Charlotte!" I say in the sweetest voice possible. "Oh hey! How are ya princess?" He asked. I'm a princess to all my dad's friends. And my dad. Oh, and my mom.

"I'm good. Ever heard of Camp All Day?" I was hoping he had to save me to trouble of explaining where it was and what it was. "Yes. Why?" Ok good.

"I have a...Job...for you..."


(A/N)~ What's gonna happen??? Guy's I've got some bad news. For the rest of the week I'm gonna be at camp. I'll be back on Saturday. And I might update tomorrow. I leave tomtrrow afternoon. I don't wanna go. I can't live with my laptop or IPod! It's gonna be hard! I promise as soon as I get back! I'll write and publish ASAP! Thanks so much for being the best readers ever! I wouldn't be anywhere without you! LUV YA!!! THANKZZZZ!!!

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