Chapter 13

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Savannah P.O.V.

There's only a week left of camp. A whole week until this nightmare is over. For the past 2 days I've been avoiding Harry. He will try an talk to me, but ill just walk away. It's killing me inside to avoid the guy I like. If it was up to me. I would be his girlfriend. That kiss we shared was amazing. But, I doubt he will wanna kiss me again after how I've been treating him.

I laid in bed, my hair all messy, my PJ's still on, and sleepiness filled my eyes. I didn't want to get up. I stayed in bed, not wanting to face the day.

I heard the door open an close . I slowly opened my eyes to see a leader standing by the bed. "Out of bed sleepy head! Your going to miss breakfast." her perky voice annoyed me already. "I don't feel very well." I moaned making it seem like I was sick, when I really wasn't. "Well, we can't have anyone else getting sick. Alright. You can stay in bed until you feel any better. I'll have your room mates check on you every now an then. Get some rest." She grinned at me and walked out. Yes, it worked. I'm a better actress then I thought.

I laid in bed. Trying to sleep. But, all I could think about was Harry.

Harry...Harry...Harry...Harry...Harry...His name ringing in my head. Why couldn't it just stop.

I heard the door open and stay open for a few seconds while I heard many feet entire. The door shut with a loud 'bang'. I pulled the covers over my head wanting the people to go away.

"Savannah? One of the leaders said you were sick. Are you ok?" I heard Danielle's voice and pulled the sheet on my head to see the girls standing their. "I'm fine." I say, blankly. "Your not really sick, are you?" Perrie could always tell if someone was lying or not. I shook my head.

"Nice fake out! Why though?" Hattie quietly asked. "I didn't wanna see him." I look down. They all tilted they're heads in confusion. "Who?" Eleanor asked. "Harry.." I trailed off, hoping and praying they wouldn't ask why. It didn't work. "Why?" Hattie looked confused, they all did.

I took a deep breath an began to explain. After I was done they all stood there, shocked. Finally Danielle spoke up. "Since when does Charlotte control who your friends with" I just shrug.

"She can't tell you who to be friends with an what to do." Perrie huffed. "If I was to be friends with him...or more...She would have the tree and the stream torn apart. I couldn't let that happen. Those places mean so much to him. It's where he wri-" I slapped my hand over my mouth before I had the chance to finish that sentence.

"Where what? He what?!" Eleanor said , looking worried. "Nothing bad." I try my hardest not to make eyes contact. "Tell us!" Hattie urged me. "I promised I wouldn't say anything!" I snapped.

"Does he do something to himself?" Danielle asked. I couldn't help but let a small chuckle leave my lips. "No. It's something he loves to do. It's a talent. He doesn't want people to know he does it. He's nervous people won't like him anymore." I sigh. They all stood there.

"Can't you just tell us?" Perrie asked, sitting on the edge of the bed near my feet. I shake my 'no'. And that was the end of that conversation.

"Do you have feelings for Harry?" Eleanor sat next to Perrie. "I kissed him back so of course I do! I really like him. And I think he likes me. It's all over now. Charlotte will do whatever it takes to keep me and him apart. She got what she wanted." I shrugged as if I didn't care when I really did.

Perrie put her hand on my shoulder. "Savannah, we are all gonna help you. You have been nothing but a great friend to all of us. We are going to repay you. We are going to help." I smile at them all and they all returned it with big warm smiles. How did I get such great friends. Reminds me of Lily. I miss Lily.

"Thanks, guys." I got off the bed and pulled them all into a group hug.

At that moment I heard the cabin door open an close. We all pulled out of the hug. We all looked at who was standing there.




(A/N)~ You guys must be getting so annoyed with the cliff hangers!! HEEHEE!! Sorry ill update tomorrow! I wonder who just walked in. Luv you all for reading my book! THANKZZZ!!

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