Chapter 9

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Perrie P.O.V.

I'm so excited right now. I'm heading to art class. Zayn's in my art class! So far the only things we have said to each other was 'can I borrow a sharpener?' It would be as hard if I wasn't as shy. I'm not  really shy. I'm just shy around Zayn.

I slowly ate breakfast an bolted to art. I wanted to run into Zayn. He's always there early. His hair so perfect and still has a cute sleepy look on his face. He was so...perfect.

As I ran into the small one room building I wasn't looking and ran straight into something...Or someone. My notepad and pen fell to my feet as my body bumped into another. I slowly picked up my pen. A large hand held out my notepad to me. I looked up an saw...Zayn! "Sorry Perrie." He smiled kindly at me as I took the notepad.

"It's fine. It was my fault anyway." I tried no to stutter. But, his big brown eyes, and his perfectly constructed features made me weak. His perfect pink lips. I wanted them. So bad.

We just stared at each other. He finally took a step back. At first I was confused why did that. But, then I realized we was letting me into the class first. Talk about a gentleman. He smiled and I smiled. I slowly walked into the class, with Zayn following close behind.

 I sat down at my seat. Class started in 7 minutes. I had 7 minutes to doodle all I wanted. I saw Zayn sit next to me. As he always did. Why?

I smiled at him and looked at back down at my doodle. I was drawing several well detailed music notes. Just randomly all over the page. I did my best. I felt as if someone was watching. I looked up to see Zayn turning away. Zayn was watching me?

Zayn P.O.V.

Shit, I think she saw me! I was watching her draw. She was amazing. I looked away as she looked at me. I really hope she didn't see me!

I slowly took out my notebook and let the ink slide across the paper. I let my mind go else where as I just thought of what I was drawing. I focused it the drawing and only the drawing. I love to draw.

I was so busy drawing I didn't even notice that class had started. I didn't even notice that the art teacher stood in front of me tapping his foot, annoyed.

"Ahem!" The teacher finally got my attention. I looked up and slammed my notebook shut. Hoping no one saw the drawing. "Thank you for coming back to earth, Zayn." The teacher continued to talk about warm colors. I knew all this. This was more like art class for a 6th grader! Teach us something. Show us how to form clay! SOMETHING!

Perrie looked at me. "This class is so boring. When are we gonna get to do real art?" Her pretty voice rang threw my mind. Her blonde hair framing her face. I nodded. "That's what I was saying." She smiled at my words. Whoa...Her smile. It's...Whoa...

Perrie and I continued to whisper to each other. We were having a real conversation! Finally! We talked about art and what we love about this camp. Suddenly it got quiet. I wanted to say something so bad. You can do it Zayn. Ask her.

I looked at her huge, deep, blue eyes. "Would you like to.." She looked at me with hopeful eyes. "Would you like to let me use you pen. For a minute. Mine's...out of ink." I lied. I chickened out! I'm such a looser! I can't even ask her a simple question. Ugh! She slowly nodded handing me the pen. I grabbed the pen and our hands touched. I felt a...spark? She looked at me and pulled her hand away leaving the pen in my hand.

I slowly used the pen and handed it to her. Our hands not touching. For the rest of class we didn't talk We would glance at each other but nothing more. What happened?

Perrie P.O.V.

Our hands touched. After that...we didn't talk. I wanted to talk to him...but, what could I say. I couldn't say anything.

After class Zayn walked out of the class room not noticing he left his notebook.

"Zayn! You forgot your notebook!" He was already gone. I held the notebook in my hand. Should I go and give it back...or take a peek.

I walked out and looked around. I didn't see him. I looked at the notebook in my hand. I walked down away from the building staring at it. I need to see!

I slowly opened the notebook. The pages had many cool doodles of stuff like trees, some shoes, and...omg...he drew me. Every detail was perfect. From my eyes to my smile. He drew me. Could he like me?

I flipped threw the pages. Only 2 drawings of me in there. They were all perfectly drawn. But, I continued to look the latest picture he had drawn. Me. He must've been drawing me in class. Does he like me? He does!

My heart fluttered, like it did when I was around him.

I shut the notebook and started to look for him. I finally saw him...with his friends. This will be so easy...not.

I walked up to the boys, smiling. Zayn's beautiful face lit up when he saw me. "Hey, Perrie!" He smiled. I smiled back. All the boys looked at us as we stared at each other smiling like idiots. "We'll leave you two alone...Good luck Zayn." Harry said, nudging him as they all walked off, leaving me an Zayn alone. "Good luck with what?" I tilted my head.

Zayn looked at his shoes. His brown eyes filled with disappointment. "Asking you out..." He breathed out, making me smile huge. "You were gonna ask me out?" I swear I'm over the moon right now. "Yeah." He said, blankly. "I will." As soon as I said that his eyes glowed with happiness and his lips curved into a smile. Gosh he's hot.

"You will?!" He asked hopefully. I nodded and he pulled me into a hug. My heart skipped a beat and I felt a little spark inside me. I was probably the happiest person ever. I couldn't be happier. And he couldn't be more perfect.

Then it happened. He said the 4 words I've been wanting to hear come from his perfect lips since I met him. "I like you, Perrie." I couldn't help but let out a small squeal. "I like you too, Zayn."

I was so happy I forgot why I was looking for him in the first place. "Zayn, you left this in class." I held out the black notebook. He took the notebook from my hand. "Thanks. I'm glad you found it and not someone else."

I slowly started to walk away. Then I turned back around to face him. "By the way. I like the drawing of me." I smirked. I continued to walk away but, I turned around one last time and ran over to him an kissed his cheek. "Bye Zayn." I ran off smiling huge.

Zayn is my boyfriend...Zayn is my boyfriend...Zayn is my boyfriend...

I sang that  In my head all day! And the entire time I didn't stop smiling. My lips touched his cheek. I wanted to scream! I wanted to jump up and down...Which I did. I just couldn't get over that fact that Zayn Malik, the hot, artistic, shy, sweet, amazing, jock was MY boyfriend.

I've gotta be perfect from now on....



OMG!!!! more than 200 readers! means so much to me and I love you all! Each an everyone of you! I know 200 isn't a lot but its so much for a nobody like me! Thanks again! LUV YA!!!

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