Chapter 5

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Charlotte P.O.V.

I called Harry over to me. He seemed to take his sweet time saying good bye to that nobody. He finally came over smiling.

"Hi, Baby!" I rapped my arms around his torso. He didn't even say anything. He just pushed me away from him. "Hazza Bear? What's wrong?" He looked at me, hurt. "You cancelled...Why?" He sounded hurt. I didn't mean to hurt him. "I told you. I got cot up with the girl's. No biggy!" I shrug and smile.

"No biggy!? No biggy!?! It is a fucking biggy! You make me wait an hour then say your not coming! Thanks for the notice!" He growled. I rap my arms around him in a hug. "I'm so sorry Haz." I say into his chest. He pushes me away again. "I want someone who will care for me like i care for them!" My heart dropped at his words. "H-Harry...W-what are you saying?" My eyes filled with tears.

He took one look at me as a tear fell from my eyes and ran down my cheek. His face softened. Harry came closer to me and held both my hands. "I'm sorry... It just came out. Please forgive me." He looked so cute when he begged. "I should be asking you to forgive me. I'm sorry I cancelled. Forgive me?" I did a puppy face. He smiled at me and kissed me. Work's every time. He finally pulled away and smiled at me.

He took my hand in his and we walked toward  the lake where we would make up for lost time. I have him rapped around my finger...and no bitchy girl will stop that...

Savannah P.O.V.

I saw Harry kiss Charlotte. It was kinda cute. He looked happy with her. I'm glad he's happy. But, there's something about her. It just didn't seem right...

I walked away and over to Perrie who was at the picnic table. She had a pair of sunglasses on and was staring at Zayn playing football. I rolled my eyes and sat next to her. "Hey, Savannah." She said in a daze not even looking at me. "Go talk to him." I rolled my eyes. "But, Zayn's playing football. I can't!" Perrie took off her sunglasses and looked at me then Zayn.

A leader walked over to us, smiling. "Perrie Edwards?" She said looking at both of us, wonder who was Perrie. "Her!" I point to Perrie who waved. The leader handed Perrie a sheet of paper. "What's this?" Perrie tilted her head in confusion. "Activity's list. We picked them in a random order, so don't wine if you have something you don't like. Now, Savannah Conal?" I looked at her and smiled. She handed me a sheet. "Thank you!" She nodded and walked away.

"Now...GO! Go and talk to him!" Perrie shook her. "Fine, I will. I'll tell him how you like him." I got up and slowly started to walk in Zayn's direction. Perrie jumped up and grabbed my arm. "You won't live to another day! F-fine, I'll talk to him." She said nervously. I smiled.

Perrie P.O.V.

I took a deap breath and looked at Zayn.

I slowly walked over to Zayn who was sitting on the bench alone. Yes! He's alone! It makes this so much easier! I came up and sat next to him. He looked at me and smiled. He smiled at me!! "Hey Perrie!" He said, beaming. He know's my name! His big brown eyes sparkled. "Uh...Hi Zayn." I smiled back. We both just sat their. I didn't know what to say.

After a minute of silence I finally managed to form words. "So...what do you have first on your activity's list?" He looked over at me. He glanced down at his sheet. "Um...Art! What do you have first?" I looked at my paper to answer his question. I smiled when I saw what I had first. "I have Art first too!" I smiled. He chuckled. "That's cool...Hey Perrie?" He said, looking at me with those big brown eyes that made me weak. "Yeah?" I looked at him.

He waited a minute to say anything. "Would you wan-" He was cut off when Louis yelled to him. "Zayn! Come on! I wanna start another game!" Louis said, loudly. "I gotta go...See ya in art." He said in a soft shy voice, as he got up and ran over to Louis.

I saw him punch Louis's arm and look like he was upset with him. But, then they both laughed and ran onto the field. I smiled an stood up and walked back over to the picnic table i was at.

Savannah was still sitting their. But, she wasn't alone. Harry sat next to her and they both laughed and talked. I smiled, and headed over to El. Who was staring onto the field just like I was.

I rolled my eyes and came up behind her. "HI EL!!!!" I said, grabbing her shoulders. She shrieked and jumped away. Louis was watching an laughed.

El looked at me and glared and looked at Louis who was still laughing. She looked hurt. "El, you ok?" I put my hand on her shoulder. "He's laughing at me." She looked down. "Oooooh! I see what you were looking at." I smirked. She looked back at me. "What?" She looked confused. "You were watching Louis." I chuckled as Louis slowly stopped laughing and looked at Eleanor. He showed a small smile and ran over to the boys.

"He smiled at me." I rolled my eyes. "You so like him!" She looked at me. "What!? No way! I do not!" She was such a bad lier. I rolled my eyes. "You do! Why don't you just go talk to him?" I shrugged. "No! He would just laugh at me! I get so nervous around him. I'll mess everything up. I'm such a klutz."

I rolled my eyes. I saw they were taking a break. Louis was standing about 5 feet from us. "Go."

Eleanor P.O.V.

"No, I don't wanna." I begged her not to make me go and talk to Louis. But, before i could say anything, Perrie pushed me and i stumbled over to Louis. I looked back at Perrie, who was smiling proudly. Before i had the chnace to move I slipped on a ball and went falling back.

Louis saw me and ran an cot me. He was holding me. I am going to die.

He held me and smiled. "Your gonna wanna be careful. Lot's of thing's you could slip on out here. Wouldn't want a pretty girl like you getting hurt." He smirked at me making my heart melt. "L-like me?" He nodded an chuckled as I stuttered.

He helped me stand and just kept smiling. "I'm such a klutz!" I look down, wanting to just disappear. He got closer and tilted my chin up and looking into my brown eyes with his beautiful blue one's. I could pass out at any minute.

"Your not a klutz. Don't call yourself that." His voice was so perfect. Why couldn't he be mine?

I smiled at him. I felt his arms wrap around my waist. My heart beated faster and faster. As he got closer and closer and began to panic. Was he about to kiss me!? What if i don't kiss back!?

Louis closed the gap between our faces. I know this sounds corny but, the kiss was...perfect! I kissed him back.

The kiss seemed like it lasted for hours, but it was more like a few minutes. When he finally pulled away, he smiled. "I've been waiting to do that since i met you." His hot breath onmy face made me wanna pass out. I felt a blush creep onto my cheeks. A small giggles left my lips. "You like me?" I asked, hopefully. He nodded and kissed my cheek. "I like you too..." He smiled huge and held both my hands in his. "Will you go out with me?" He asked, nervously. "Yes!" I hugged him tight.

"HEY LOUIS!!! Stop flirting! Get over here!" Niall yelled. Louis looked back at Niall then back at me. "See ya later, Eleanor." He pecked my lips and ran onto the field looking back once.

I walked over to Perrie, not being able to stop smiling. "Your welcome!" Perrie said, smiling proudly. I rolled my eyes and giggled. "He asked me out...I said yes. Now, I can't stop smiling." Perrie laughing. Louis Tomlinson, is my boyfriend. Can this day get any better?

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