Chapter 17

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Savannah P.O.V.

My life was over. MY world around me crumbled to the ground. I just want to die. But, that never solve anything. Plus I'm not like that. I use my head.

After the investigator asked me several, sometimes very mean, questions, I was put in a holding cell. They didn't tell me if they thought I was incent or not. My mind fluttered to Harry. But, I pushed my thought's about that complete asshole away.

I sat in the cell, waiting for my Mum to come an pick me up. She was going to kill me for something I didn't even do.

I heard voices coming from another room. Several voices. I slowly listened in.

"But sir! Can't we see her? We are her friends! Please?" I heard a perky voice say. Eleanor.

"We just want to talk with her. Not break her out!" A sassy voice spit out. Perrie.

"Please sir. We just want to see our best friend." A kind voice said. Danielle.

I heard the door slowly open an see all the girls run in. And to my surprise. All the guys to. Niall, Liam, Zayn, Louis...Oh no...And Harry.

"Savannah are you ok!?" Eleanor held the bars, very worried. I nodded as I avoided eye contact with Harry. "Savannah...I..." I heard his raspy voice trail off. Just the sound of his voice made my blood boil. The anger built up inside until it burst out.

"YOU WHAT?! I DON'T WANNA HERE IT STYLES!!! I CAN'T BELIVE MY OWN BOYFRIEND THINKS I DID SOMETHING LIKE THIS!!! YOU KNOW ME BETTER THAN THAT!!!! I NEVER DID IT!!!! I WOULDN'T!! I HAVE NO REASON TO!!!! I CAN BELIEVE YOU HARRY! Get out of here...I don't wanna see you." I backed away from the bars an towards the dark part of the cell. Harry looked so shocked an hurt. Like I care...

"Savannah...I believe you.." He said, softly. He grabbed my hand, before I was out of reach. I was pulled to the bars again and close to Harry's face. "Harry, why didn't you before?" A warm tear ran down my cheek an I left it their.

"I was so shocked that it happened. I was an asshole. I'm sorry babe." The way he called me babe made me smile. I saw a smile creep onto his face as I smiled. "Yah, you were. But, I still love you."

"We are going to leave you two alone." I heard Perrie say, an with that, they all left the room. Leaving me an Harry alone, our faces Inches away. "I love you..." he whispered before crashing his lips onto mine.

We kissed for what seemed like forever, but was only a few seconds. "Ahem." I here a familiar voice huff.

Harry pulled away. Both our faces grew red, when we saw my dad standing there. With all my luggage. And my IPhone in his hand.

"Daddy!" I say smiling. He shakes his head, and walks toward the cell. Harry moved out of the way, very scared of the large man with cold blue eyes. "Savannah, tell me, did you do it?" I shake my head. "I wouldn't. I swear on grandpa's grave. I didn't do it." I say softly.

My grandpa died 5 years ago, from cancer. I was 10 an cried for months. I loved him. We had so fun together. He was only 60. He had so much life left in him.

Another warm tear fell down my cheek fell from my eye as I remembered my amazing Grandfather. "I believe you. But you incent anyway. They are letting you go. But, you are banded from that camp." He sighed. "Ok...Just take me home, Daddy." I start to cry. My dad slowly gets the key an opens the cell, and I ran into his arms. He hugged his little girl tight. Me...

Harry stood there as we hugged. He slowly walked out. "Harry wait.." He didn't listen to me. He kept "on walking. "Who is he?" My father asked, sternly. "My boyfriend, Dad." He tensed up, at my touch, as I said 'boyfriend'.

"Dad, I'm never gonna see him again anyway. He doesn't live anywhere near us." I huff. He hands me my IPhone an I jog out, after Harry.

I don't see he's not out here. "Harry!" I yell and look around. I see a bunch of curls outside. I ran past the girls an guys an out the door.

I see Harry turned around, with a guitar. What?

He turned to face me. a beautiful guitar in his hands. He smiled. "I wrote this for you...And only you.."

He started to strum the guitar, beautifully. I stood there an watched as his mouth opened an his feelings pored out.

"Now you were standing their, right in front of me.

I hold on it's getting harder to breath."

"All of a sudden these light's are blinding me.

I never noticed how bright they would beeeeee."

My heart melted at the beauty of his voice. I loved the song already. And I listened even closer.

"I saw in the corner there was a photograph.

No doubt in mind it's a picture of you."

"It lies there alone in a bed of broken glass.

this bed wasn't made for two."

"I'll keep my eye's wide open

I'll keep my arms wide open."

And this is where he stole my heart once again!

"Don't let me!

Don't let me!

Don't let me go!

Cause I'm tired of feeling alone."

After a while he finished up his beautiful song.

"Don't let me..

Don't let me go..

Cause i'm tired of sleeping alone.."

He slowly stopped, an put down his guitar. I ran into his arms and squeezed him tightly. "I love you.." I whispered in his ear. "But, I have to let you go..." He pulled out of the hug as soon as those words left my lips.

"The hole point of that song was to make sure you DONT let me go!" Tears formed in the rims of his eyes. "I love you.." I said, wiping away his tears. "I love you too..." I cupped his face in my hands an connected our lips.

After a minute of an amazing kiss, We both pulled away. "I have to let you go. We don't live close to each other. It just wont work. I hope you can understand." I looked him dead in the eyes as tears fell from my brown eyes.

"I understand...I just wish it could work out." I nod. Thank the lord I wasn't dating a jerk.

"Maybe ill see you again someday..." He just nods. "Bye Savannah..."

That's all he said, before disappearing into the day.

Love sucks...

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