True Nature Revealed

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Riga didn't come to the next trading and at the one after she was more subdued. Esri approached her. "I missed seeing you at the last trading. I was thinking maybe some of us could come and visit some time."

Riga hesitated. "Not yet, Esri. I haven't been at Hanu's bode for long and Ulun would have to agree. He did want me to ask you if he and a small group could come and visit Flat Rocks. Can you speak at the Elders Council about it? I'm hoping that I can come with them."

"Why wouldn't you come?" asked Esri.

"Sometimes they leave some things just to the men and other things just to the women. It's easier."

Esri didn't argue with Riga, but life with the Shell Bead People didn't sound so appealing. Though Riga still claimed she was very happy, Esri was not convinced and worried about Riga and what else might be happening at the Shell Bead People's bode. Perhaps it would be good to exchange visits to each other's bodes. Ulun spoke with Barsa about arranging a visit to Flat Rocks at the next trading. Barsa agreed to speak with the other Elders.

When the Elders Council met, Zura said, "I find it interesting that as well as speaking with Barsa about visiting us, Ulun also had Riga speak with Esri."

"Ulun watches closely what happens at our tradings. He sees that when Riga comes, that Esri spends time talking to her. He's using their relationship to get what he wants," said Barsa.

"He's a sly one, that Ulun. We must be careful," said Piram. "I remember men like him from my days as a boy with my old bode."

"If by having the Shell Bead People come to Flat Rocks, then some of us can visit their bode, then we should go ahead," said Zura.

Nagar was lying down near the Elders Council and partially raised herself up. "We need to find out if they are Violent Ones or if they keep slaves. A visit to their bode would tell us a lot, even if they try to make it look like they don't have slaves. It will be difficult for them to hide the truth." And she laid back down.

"I keep thinking about those children with Sela and Muni, and what might have happened to them," said Saba.

"We all do. If the Shell Bead People come to visit, they must not see Sela and Muni," said Zura.

"But it would be good if Sela and Muni could look at the Shell Bead People and see if any of them are those that kidnapped and hurt them," said Tars.

Saba said, "I haven't gone to any of the tradings. When the Shell Bead People come to visit, they won't notice if I am not here. I can take Sela and Muni to the ledge above the cave behind the bushes. We can look down on them without them seeing us."

"We should welcome the Shell Bead People like they are friends, feed them well, tell them about our Agreements, but be organized to fight them swiftly if need be. Extend one arm with a well-roasted piece of antelope, while holding a sharp flint behind our backs," said Tars.

They nodded in agreement. Nagar spoke again, "If they do attack, first bring them down and tie them up. Do not kill them."

Tars said, "We might not have a choice, Nagar."

The woman whose spear cut Esri's arm said, "We must give them a choice. And give them time to understand how we live at Flat Rocks." She looked at Esri. "This finally worked for me."

"Yes, but you did not keep slaves or harm others. You were only protecting your people," said Piram.

Barsa said, "In my old bode, a young man who grew up in a bode that had slaves came to live with a woman in our bode. I never saw or heard of him doing anything bad to another person. Once, when the two of us went on a long hunt together he talked to me about what they did at his old bode and the bad things he had done because that was all he knew as a boy. If people want to, they can change."

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