Let's Go

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On the way to school, we met up with our friends Kelsey( Kels) and Logan(Lo).

Lo: You guys hear about Mindless Behavior coming to Best Buy?

Me: NO WAY!! When?

Kels: Today after school. Guys, you wanna ditch fourth period to go see them?

Danny: Let me think....YES!!

Me: Yeah. I need to relieve the stress.

Lo and Kels look at me like they're confused. They finally ignore it and we get to school.

Lo: Okay. After the bell, meet here.

We all go to class.


In class, the school quarterback Drew kept looking at me. I raise my hand. Mr. Langley sighed.

Langley: Flo....

Me: It's Lo.

Langley: What do you want?

Me: Can I go use the restroom?

Langley: Just do what ever.

I get up while Mr.. Langley puts his head on the desk. Then Drew grabs my arm.

Drew: Hey you wanna hang after school?

Me:*yanks my arm away* No thanks.

I walk out of class. I get to the restroom. While I'm washing my hands, someone grabs me from behind. I scream.

??: Chill out. It's just me.

I turn around to see my ignorant little brother, Andy. He was six foot while I was only five three.

Me: Andy you could have scared me to death.

Andy:*laughs* That's kind of what I was going for. I'm just playing. So heard you going somewhere.

Me: Yeah why do you care? You can't go if that's what your asking.

Andy: *sighs* Man.That sucks.

Me:*laughs* Yeah not get to class.

He leaves. I go back to the classroom and sit in my seat.

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