What was That?!?!

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When Eternity told me about staying the night, she looked nervous. I just ignored it though. We all get to school and me, Prince, and Danny go to class. In class, I hear talking in the hallway. Then this girl touches my leg.

??: I'm Lexi. What's your name?

Me: Get off and I have a girlfriend.

Lexi: That's too bad because I was gonna....you know.*looks down*

I raise my hand. Mrs. Davenport looks at me.

Davenport: Yes Ray?

Me: Can I go to the restroom?

Davenport: Sure. Anyone else?

Lexi raises her hand. I shake my head to Davenport but she doesn't see. I rush out and go inside the teacher restroom so she doesn't look for me. Then the door opens. Lexi comes I and locks it.

Lexi: Found you.

Ray: I have a girlfriend.

Lexi: She doesn't need to know.

Ray: Please stop and leave me alone.

She grabs my pants and starts to unbuckle my belt. She unbuttons my pants and reaches inside them. I feel her grab my dick and I can't help myself. I know it was wrong. After all Eternity's been through. I look at Lexi and she's pulling it out my pants.

Lexi:*looks up* You like that?

No I don't.

Ray: *mumbling*Yeah.

Lexi: I knew you would.

She starts giving me head. I can't help but to grab her hair. It feels so good. When she stands up, she kisses me. I take of her shirt and she unbuttons mine. I kiss her and her neck. She starts to moan. I take off her pants and underwear. I go into her hard. She puts her head on my shoulder so she doesn't scream. I pull out of her.

Lexi: Fuck.... That was the shit.

Ray: I can't believe I just did that.

Lexi: But you did baby. Just don't let her know.

Me: Okay.

She kisses me and leaves. I stay in there until third period.


I sit down in class. When I look up, I see Ace come in.

Me: What are you doing?

Ace: My aunt wants me to be hear for a while. Jacob called and told me.

Me: Okay but we cannot talk about what happened this morning.

Ace: Okay.

After twenty minutes, Ray comes into class with a smile on his face. He looks at me. The smile disappears. H then sees Ace and nods his head. After class is lunch. Me and my girls go.

Danny: Ya'll In first and second period, I heard moaning from the staff restroom.

Me: You gotta be shitting me?

Lo: I was with her. It was nasty. These old people getting it.

Then the boys come over.

Prince: Hey*kisses Danny*

I see Lexi wave at Ray. He smiles shyly and turns away. Everyone was staring at him

Me: What was that?

Ray: What do you man?

Me:*points to him then Lexi* THAT!!

Ray: Nothing why you raising your voice for? I just looked at her.

Me: Ray I saw you. The way you looked at her and smiled. Don't think I'm stupid because if ya'll doing something, I will bust yo teeth in.

Ray: Man please. You always assuming stuff.

Me: Fuck you bitch!!

I get up and walk to Ace and sit down. I see Ray get mad.

Ray: So you like that?

Me: FUCK YOU!!!*raises middle finger*

He throws his tray and leaves. Ace looks at me. I look at him and smile.

Ace: What was that?

Me: I think Ray and this little girl Lexi did something. I don't play that.

Ace: But we did s(gco)

Me: It was an accident. That's different.

Ace: So when you gonna tell him?

Me: The day he fucks up or the day I find out he fucked up.



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