Not you!

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When she said that, my heart just burst into pieces. I can't believe Marcus would do something like that. Why would he rape her? That is so cruel to do that to family let alone your daughter. I wrap my arms around her. I feel her tears dropping on my shirt but I don't care. I see fans getting mad, but that period is plain childish. I pull away and wipe her face with my sleeve.

Me: Hey don't cry. It's over. I'm here now. We don't got nothing to do so we staying for a while.

She smiles. I love to see a girl smile. And Eternity is beautiful. I put my arm around her shoulders and walk her over to the boys.

Me: Ya'll this is Eternity.

Roc: This the girl you was talking about? Wow you're beautiful.

Eternity: Thanks. Um, I need to use the restroom. I'll be right back.

The girls go with her. I sit down in my seat.

Me: I'm so glad I finally found her.

Prince: Yeah. You wouldn't stop talking about ever since she gave you that letter.

Prod: True. Ya'll that Kelsey girl is fine. Straight up.

Roc: Eternity pretty but Logan?! Jesus!

Prince: Ya'll got it all wrong.... Danny is fine. Beyond that. But Eternity got a baby though.

Me: If you knew her story you would know.

I feel Prod staring at me. I can tell he's trying to figure it out be the way I said it. He can do that.

Prod: Wow. I already know. Her dad.....

Me: Yeah. I still can't believe he did that.

I kick the trash can and it flies across the floor. Then Danny comes running back breathing hard.

Me: What's wrong?

Danny: She's getting sick and she does that when she has a bad feeling. And she's not stopping.

I run, no sprint to the restrooms. I can hear her puking. Forget it, I walk in.

Me: Hey.

Eternity: I'm in here!*pukes*

I lean on the door and breathe. I can't think of anything to a famous teen getting nervous over a girl. I breathe again.

Me: Eternity. What's wrong?

I hear her stop. She doesn't do it for a while. Then she opens the door. Her hair tied back.

Eternity: My mom wants us to go visit my dad on Saturday.

I couldn't believe that Shylo would do that. I can't believe anything right at this moment. I grab her hand. She looks at me as I pull her in to hug her once more. I look over at the girls and they leave.

Me: Hey. I told you that I'm here right?....So don't be scared. I'm sorry I left those years ago but I'm here now. If you want. I'll go with you on Saturday.

She looks up at me. I smile at her and she smiles back. We walk out the restroom and go to where everyone else is. There were four extra chairs. I tell her to sit down and Walt comes up to me.

Walt: They're about to let the girls in so take your seats.

I pick up Jordan and put her in my lap. She plays with my braids. Then all these girls start screaming and running towards us. I admit I'm a little scared. For a whole five hours, we're signing posters and taking pictures. Then the fans leave. It's just us eight left. me and Eternity were talking and laughing while I was holding Jordan. Then I see a big flash. We turn to see Danny with her phone up.

Danny: You two look so cute.

Me: That's good.*smile at her*

She smiles back. Jordan yawns and rests her head on my shoulder.

Eternity: Well, we need to head home.

Me: We could take you.

Eternity: Okay.


Terni tells me that we're riding the bus. I look over and see Princeton sleep, Lo sleep on sleeping Roc Royal's shoulder an the same with Kels and Prodigy. I wake them up and tell them. When the bus comes, I get a phone call.


Me: Hello?

Mom: Where are you guys and Jordan? School ended four hours ago.

Me: I'm sorry but we went to that met and greet and then everyone fell asleep.

Mom: Well you need to hurry up. I have a surprise for you guys.

Me: Okay. Bye.


Me: Terni we gotta go.

Terni: Okay.

We leave and tell the bus driver where our house is. We drop off Lo and Kels first. They live right next to each other. Ten we get to our house.

Terni: You wanna come in and see our mom?

Ray: Sure.

We go inside. Terni runs back outside on the bus.

Ray: Eternity!*runs after her*

Me: Mom. Why? You know how she is about him. And you! Coming into our house and acting like you didn't get my sister le alone your daughter pregnant!

Mom: Don't you dare talk to me and your dad like that. I rai(gco)

Me: And grana (grandmother) raised you better. We're not gonna live here if I have to see him every morning and every night.*turns to walk out*

Mom: Danny don't you dare walkout my house! DANIEL--

I close the front door. As I'm walking, I hear footsteps behind me. I look to see my dad. I run on the bus.


But the bus driver didn't do it in time. My dad comes on the bus. I run to the back.

Me: Where's Terni?

I look up to see my dad with Terni by her waist. She was screaming and kicking. He grabs her by the neck and whispers something into her ear.

Me: Put her down!*runs up to him and kicks him*

He turns around and punches me in the face. I fall and my ears start ringing. I watch as he carries her into the house. I go up to the door and try to open it. But it was locked. Prince comes off the bus and picks me up. He takes on the bus and we leave.




Until We Meet Again {Mindless Behavior Story}Where stories live. Discover now