I Spy

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WOW!! That was just crazy. I have never seen them fight before. Not even in private. But in school? I see Lexi get up and run after Ray.

Me: I'll be right back.

I go into the hallway. I walk until I see them talking. I hide behind the corner.

Ray: I have to tell her.

Lexi: But why? It can be are little secret.

Ray: But what is someone hear us? I could get busted.

Lexi: You won't baby.

Wait....... Did I hear that right?

Ray: Okay. Okay. But don't tell anyone what we did. I heard Danny telling her that she heard someone in the staff restroom.

Lexi: You don't know which one it was.

Ray: But what teacher would do what we did? None.

Lexi: Alright. Well Let me go. I love you.

I was disgusted. I was waiting for what Ray was gonna say. He smiles.

Ray: I love you too.

NOOOOO!!!! I can't believe it. Then they kiss and Walk away. I cover my face and fall to the ground. I have to tell Terni. I run to the Café. She was laughing with Ace. I see Ray walk in next to me.

Ray: Why you lookin at me like that?

Me: I heard you little convo with Lexi. You one slick bitch.

Ray: Logan please don't.

I walk to Terni. She looks at me. She sees the expression on my face and frowns.

Terni: What happened?

Me: Come with me.*we walk out into the hallway* Ray fucked with Lexi.

Terni: *laughs* You can't be serious.*gets serious* Because he knows I will kill him.

Me: Terni have I ever lied to you about something like this?

She walks back inside the Café. I walk in. She goes up to Ray.

Ray: Eternity(gco)

Terni:*punches him in the face* What the hell?! So you cheating with me now? I told you if you was fucking I was gonna bust yo teeth in!

She punches him again. Blood flies from his mouth. She hits him again. Roc and Prod try to get her away but she just kept going. They finally get her away. Roc was holding her. Her feet weren't on the ground.

Me: After what I did for you. You sleep with that hoe.*starts to cry* You know what I've been through. My mom and my dad. And you hurt me like this? My dad fucking raped me and you hurt me like this?!

Everyone was dead silent. Ray looks at her and spits blood onto the floor. She keeps crying. I see Lexi staring in disbelief. I can't believe that Terni put out her business like that. Ace comes up to her.


Me: Eternity. Come with me.

I take her from Roc and take her into the staff bathroom. I wipe her face and look at her.

Me: Hey stop crying.*grabs her hand* Look at me.

She wipes her face and stops crying and looks up.

Me: You're okay. He's gone but hey....I'm here with you. Your friends and your girls are here too.

Eternity: Thanks Ace. *smiles* Can you come to my house today? I live with my grana now.

Me:*smiles* Sure. Anything for you. Remember what I said. I still have feelings for you. That doesn't change.

She laughs.

Me: There we go. That's my girl.

We go to class.

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