Let's Go (2)

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I'm sitting in here waiting for lunch period, which is fourth. Only five minutes. I'm so excited, I could run around all day. A knock at the door made me snap out of my daydream. Mrs. Goodman got up to get it. She's my aunt.

Goodman: Yes Eternity?

Terni: May I see Kelsey please?

Goodman: Go ahead. It's almost time to go anyway.

I get up. When my aunt closes the door, Danny and Lo were standing there as well.

Terni: Guys, How are we gonna get there with ya'll just standing around.

Me: Oh sorry.

Terni: But first we have to make two stops.

We start walking. Then we get to an elementary school.

Me: What are we doing here?

Terni: I have to pick up Jordan everyday at one.

Danny: That's why you keep disappearing at lunch.

We go inside. Terni gets everything done that she needs to do. Then we go and get Jordan. Since Jordan is in Kindergarten, we have to go all the way to the back of the school, which took, like, a hour.

Me: Can we just go it's been, like, a hour.

Terni: Kels. It's only been two minutes.

The girls laugh. I do too or my slow moment. We get to her class. Terni knocks at the door. This lady that is really pretty comes out.

??:You coming to pick up Jordan?

Terni: Yeah.

??:Jordan, your mommy's here!

I could hear Jordan screaming. Once we get her, we go to McDonalds and eat.

Lo: I was so hungry.

Me, Danny, Terni: YOU ALWAYS HUNGRY!

We all laugh. We eat and talk and watch as Jordan plays with this little girl about her age. We finally all get done.

Me: Alright....LET'S GO!




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