Chapter 2 - Did you just kiss him?

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I was right, the day turned out to be good so far and nothing interesting happened, except in the English period, when our teacher tripped and fell in the front of her class. Bottom line: All of us got detention for laughing at her. It's not my fault she decided to wear neon pink underwear, but in my defense, her jean was on the tight side so I wasn't that surprised when it ripped.

Sam and I walked out of the English class and went to the lawn, since it was already break. I noticed that there was a large group of kids at the spot where we hung out the day before. "What do you think is going on over there?" I asked Sam and she shrugged.

"I don't know, but let's go find out." She said then ran towards the group. I followed her and when I finally caught up, I was out of breath.

Well, someone needs to start exercise more.

It felt -and probably looked- like I just ran a marathon. "Don't ever do that again." I told her while I caught my breath. "Wow.... well, I got my exercise for the decade"

Sam eyed me, "Whatever" she said then turned to the group. I noticed Blake and Ryan standing there too. This must've been their friends, since they were all a bunch of guys. Some good looking, some... well... meh.

"Hey, what's the deal here?" Sam asked, placing her hands on her hips.

One of the guys answered her, "What? What are you talking about princess?" The rest of the group gave a chuckle at his nickname for Sam.

"You guys, princess! Who are you and why are you here all of a sudden?" Sam folded her hands, throwing back the nickname at him. Now the group was laughing even louder.

The guy shook his head then took one step closer to Sam, "Listen girly, we always hang out here together. In fact, we should ask you guys what you are doing here. This is our spot. So get lost."

Sam was starting to get angry, "In your dreams big boy. We hang out here too. The two of us hung out with them" she pointed to Ryan and Blake, "on this spot yesterday and you guys weren't here. So there. This is our spot too, well, now it is."

The guy glared at her, "We weren't here yesterday, because we hung out at the front of the school. Some days we hang out here and somedays we hang out at the front, but this remains our spot."

Sam gave a sarcastic laugh, "Do you really want want to start a fight over some stupid spot? Because I'm all for it, princess." She seemed to like calling the big, scary dude a princess. Just when i thought she'd finish, she continued, "but I'm really not in the mood to fight over a piece of grass today, so let's just compromise: the two of us can hang out with you guys." She smiled.

The whole group burst out with laughter and the guy continued the ao called 'fight', "You? Hang out with us? In your dreams." Then they laughed again, high fiving each other. Everyone except Blake. Ryan, on the other hand, was more than willing to join in.

When they were done laughing, Sam gave an even louder laugh to the group, "Yeah, very funny, you guys crack me up. But I'm serious." She folded her arms again, this time, having a big smile on her face.

Blake walked towards the guy who argued with Sam, but looked at us, "I say you can hang out with us. Anyway..he doesn't have a say around here, I do. So you guys are welcome here anytime." he gave a faint smile and some of the guys backed up a little.

Ooh, are they like, a gang or something? That must mean he's the gang leader. But he lookes too nice to be part of a gang...

"Thanks Blake." I said and smiled at the rest of the group. My smiled lingered a little longer when my gaze landed on a frowning Ryan. He rolled his eyes and looked away, yet he still manages to look hot, even with a frown plastered on his face.

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