Its where my demons hide~part 1

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I lay on the cold stone floor, the cobble stones painfully digging into my back yet I was unable to move as the loss of blood was draining all the energy from my body.
As I closed my tired eyes, awaiting death, images flashed through my mind, of Rose sweetly smiling at me which brightened even the darkest of my days, of Dan standing up for me, protecting me even though to everybody else I was just a nobody.
A sudden burst of determination filled me.
These were the people I had to protect, I couldn't leave them, not now.
"No, I'm not going to die here!" I shout, gathering all my strength and pushing myself up onto my feet.
The creature looked straight into my eyes but I didn't back down, instead I glared right back at them without a hint of hesitation.
I could feel it coming, the same feeling as five years ago, an overwhelming anger which made both my mind and body out of control.
My fingernails grew into deadly weapons and my spine arched, forcing me to the ground.
I let out a scream which soon turned into an animalistic growl as the familiar blue flames consumed me.
My mind was not my own, my only desire to kill whatever stood in front of me.
We circled each other, my eyes watching his every move like a wolf hunting its prey.
He launched at me, taking me by surprise yet I still managed to dodge out the way with speeds I didn't even know I possessed.
His fist had punched right through the brick wall and I cringed of the thought of that wall being me.
He glared at me, practically seething with rage as he charged at me again, his jaws snapping ready to shred me alive. But this time, I jumped right over him, taking his moment of confusion, of how I suddenly disappeared, to climb my way onto the roof tops out of reach.
I peered down at him, he looked like a little ant waiting to be crushed. 'Pathetic' I thought.
I leaped of the side of the roof, tackling him from above, the impact sending us both tumbling over each other, fighting for dominance. I had the upper hand since I had knocked the all wind from his lungs, the result of my body weight slamming into him from a three story high building, and I eventually turned out on top, pinning him down by his throat. My fingers were slowly digging into his neck until his mouth began to froth and his face had turned a dark purple. He tried to pry my fingers away by digging his sharp claws into my hand, creating long red gashes, however this only resulted in me giving him a harsh punch to the side. I could hear the loud crunch of his ribs breaking as he howled in pain but I did not care, all the human emotions I once had were gone.

(To be continued)

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