The coffee shop

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I woke up to the sound of birds chirping and the warm, rich smell of freshly brewed coffee.
My mind was fuzzy as I blinked open my bleary eyes, the remains of a dream being chased away by the realisation that I was now awake.
Although I couldn't remember much about it, I recall it bring surprisingly nice.

I ran my pale fingers through my hair, watching it fall gently onto my shoulder like a waterfall.
It was bone dry, not a drop of sweat to be seen.
The nightmares had gone, well for now at least.

I heard the sounds of curtains opening and I hissed at the face full of morning light, rolling over to burrow my face in the pillow as I stubbornly tugged the covers closer around me like a cocoon.
"Just ten more minutes" I groaned against the drool stained pillow.
"I thought you'd be a bit more exited to meet them" I heard a low laugh come from the other side of the room 'since when did Mrs woods sound so manly' I thought before scrabbling upright as realisation hit.
"Dan!! Oh my god sorry, I thought you were my step mother!" I sputtered in embarrassment.
"Good morning to you too, sleeping beauty"he teased, trying to contain his giggles and I shot him a glare, not happy with the wired nickname.
"Can't a girl sleep in peace" I grumbled, flopping back down onto the bed, dramatically.
"Aww don't be like that, I'm even making you pancakes"
The loud rumble in my stomach was enough to convince myself to comply.
"Fine, I'll get up" I gave in, shuffling out from under the covers to hang my legs down the edge of the bed.
"Are you wearing my shirt?" He asked and I peered down at the crinkled material that hung of my body.
"Yeah, my uniform was soaking what was I supposed to do?" I hissed, I am definitely not a morning person.
"I wasn't complaining, it suits you"Dan said , staring at the wall with a dusting of pink on his cheeks.
"You've got weird taste, I look like I'm wearing a tent" I said, giving him a odd look.
"Anyway it opens in an hour so you better get moving" he swiftly changed the subject.
"Yeah, yeah I will" I dismissed with a wave.
"And you better be telling the truth" he added before walking out, door closing behind with a soft click.

I let out a long whining sigh followed by a yawn as I stretched both arms above my head.
I pulled myself up, now fully awake, and marched to the bathroom. Taking a quick shower, to escape this crazy reality for a brief moment.
I turned on the hot water and I winced as it collided with my bruised skin.
I closed my eyes as hot steam enveloped my body.
A boy with bright amber eyes that looked so real stared back at me.
'Why did you do that?'
'Why did you kill me?'
The voice throbbed inside my head making me feel dizzy.
My body began to shake and I turned the water off. Taking a moment to catch my breath before stepping out.

As i wrapped up my body in a big fluffy towel, I glanced at my reflection in the mirror.
I had acquired a ugly looking scar stretching from my shoulder to my collar bone.
It was badly bruised and had patches of old blood but it had healed well seeing as it was only last night, healing quickly must be another part of my power.
I ripped my gaze away from the mirror and went back into dans room, not wanting to bring back the memories I'd rather forget.
I rubbed my hair dry with another towel I found in the cupboard and brushed my hair with a comb softly.
I didn't bother putting it up in a ponytail, feeling like too much work for me and got changed into the uniform laid out on the bed. (which consisted of a crisp white shirt, black skinny jeans and a brown apron with the logo of the cafe stitched onto the front) 'Dan must of put it there' I thought and I smiled contently.

I walked out of the room quietly to see Dan (who was currently cooking pancakes), Jack, and another unfamiliar face.
As I entered they all turned their heads to look at me, making me feel slightly self conscious.
I peered over to the mystery man to find a pair of old grey eyes, staring upon me.
He was dressed in his uniform like everyone else and his slicked back grey hair looked almost white under the Suns Ray's.
His paper thin lips hanging beneath a well groomed moustache twisted into a small smile as he gestured for me to sit.

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