The crash

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Anna's POV

A few hours later we arrived back at the car, our hands struggling to hold on to the many shopping bags we had collected along the way.
The sky had gotten considerably darker, moon peaking out from behind the swirling clouds and a light prickly frost had carpeted the ground in small, delicate crystals.

"Bye Anna! I had so much fun we should totally do this more often!" Kim exclaimed, grinning widely while shoving her bags into the trunk of the car.

"Of corse we will" I agreed.
It was nice to hang out with my best friends again. It reminded me of before all this crazy demon stuff took over my life. When i was just a high school student with a few complications I'll admit but normal for the most part.
I miss those days with all my heart but I know i can never go back.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by two pairs of arms squeezing me into a tight hug. We said our goodbyes before finally separating to part different ways.

"We'll see you at school!"
They shouted through the rolled down window of there car and I replied with a small wave, suddenly feeling awkward now I was by myself.

A shudder creeped up my spine and an uneasy feeling settled in my gut as I watched them drive out of sight as if something was telling me not to leave them.
I simply shrugged it of as some kind of separation anxiety and I turned to walk down the dark cobbled streets, plugging in my headphones and walking in step to the music to distract my wondering mind.

I arrived home in about 30 minutes, deliberately dragging out the journey so I could finish my playlist before I swung open my door and let the warm air hug my freezing body.

I carelessly tossed my bags aside and made my way through the kitchen to read a note pinned to the fridge by a small magnet.

'Hi honey!! as you know Me and your step father are at date night so I've made you some food and I've put rose to bed. Love you sweetheart :) xxx'

I smiled at the cheesy letter and headed straight for the food before stumbling up the stairs to my bedroom. I jumped onto my bed and removed my phone from my back pocket, squinting at the bright light illuminating my face as I read the words;

'missed call jasmine.'

(Later that night)

Jasmine couldn't keep control of the car. It was cold, the road was slick and it was to misty to see clearly. She needed to slow down, but she couldn't the brakes just weren't working.

"Slow down!!" Kim screamed, grabbing hold of her hair and burying her face into her lap as if to prepare herself for the crash wish was sure to follow unless a miracle happened.

"I'm trying!" Jasmine yelled back sweat dripping down her face.
The wheels slipped again and they were helpless, jasmine tried to turn the wheel but to no avail as the car tumbled over, turning, turning, until there dizzy.

Jasmine desperately pulled on the breaks but it was useless, the car just continued to slide right into the railing.

The car crashed with a sick screech of metal on metal and everything seemed to happen in slow motion. Jasmine coughed harshly crimson blood spraying onto her hands. She could hardly breathe as she fearfully looked to her right to see Kim...She was unmoving, slumped against the dashboard with a huge piece of glass lodged into her stomach. There was a dark river of blood seeping from the wound.

Jasmine hopelessly watched in horror as as the front of the car swayed forward, tipping, hanging over the edge of the bridge. All the way over means certain death in to the train tracks below. If you somehow survived the fall then you would likely get run over by a train.

Suddenly, all the groaning and creaking of the metal came to a halt and was replaced by an even more sickening sound. Silence... A silence that pierced her  ears and crept fear into her mind.

"Hey....hey! Wake up!!" Jasmine shoved Kim desperately trying to see if she was alive but all she got was a limp bloody arm fall to the side.

"What am I supposed to do now!?"
Jasmine wailed pulling her hair and biting her lips as she tried to hold in her tears before eventually giving up and letting her loud screams and ugly sobs fill the cold, silent night air.

"Someone please help me!!" She screamed desperately but it was no use nobody could here her...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2017 ⏰

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