Not alone

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It was suddenly silent and I couldn't hear anything but the beating of the rain against the pavement.

"I'm a demon.....just like you."

His words replayed over and over in my head like a broken record.
I wasn't sure what to think, how to react as millions of emotions raced through my mind.
I certainly was not expecting this.
He just seemed too nice, too perfect to be a monster like me.
The questions in my mind were never ending.
'Does he know I killed that thing? Has he killed demons as well? Does he kill people? Are there other like us?'
My mouth was hanging open in shock and my shoulders were shaking, sending waves of pain down my body. Tears pooled at the corners of my eyes and I was unable to tell if it was out of relief or disappointment.
I wasn't alone, there was someone just like me and the fact that it was Dan may of made it ever so slightly better. However the thought of him bottling this up till now made my chest ache.
I suppose he hadn't known me that long but I thought he trusted me as much as I trusted him or at least enough to tell me something like this. I was planning on telling him too, really I was but I never imagined it to come out like this.
"Why didn't you tell me?" I broke the silence.
"I thought if you knew what I really was you would hate me." He said, his eyes downcast.
"I wanted to be with you even if that meant keeping this a secret."
His genuine sounding words sent a blush rushing across my cheeks and I quickly lifted my hand to cover my embarrassed face.
"I...idiot! I could never hate you." I stuttered as I pulled him into a hug.
He tensed at the sudden outburst but soon relaxed, his strong arms wrapping around me tightly.
His chest was warm and I could hear the beating of his heart as he lowered his head and whispered
"I love you Anna"
his warm breath tickling my ear, making me shudder.
"I love you too you big idiot"
I said snuggling into his jacket to hide the heat blooming even darker on my cheeks.
Dan buried his nose into my black hair which was dripping with rain but he didn't seem to mind.
"So" I said, coughing slightly as I tried to choke out the words
"does this mean we're" I asked, nervously glancing up at him, ice blue eyes meeting fire red.
"Yeah" he smiled, a barely noticeable pink flush on his face.
"I guess we are"
My heart felt like it was going to burst and I wondered how Dan could appear so calm but as I pressed my face to his chest once again the "thu thump thu thump thu thump" said he was in just of a mess as me.
We stayed there for who knows how long lost in each others company until a loud clash of thunder broke us apart and I jumped back startled.
"We should probably get out of this rain" he said, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Come with me, I have somewhere to show you" he grasped my hand and started to run, dragging me along behind him. After about ten minutes we arrived at a small cafe made of old red bricks with a few chairs out side, I knew it well id always come here when school and all its noisy students just wasn't all to appealing to me. Yeah ok skipped class, for no other reason than I'm grumpy morning person that would probably murder every one at school if I showed up.
He pushed open the door, a small bell announcing our arrival as the welcoming smell of coffee wafted through the air, pulling me in.
"Hey Dan!" A cheery voice said.
"Hello jack, there's someone I'd like you to meet" Dan said gesturing at me.
"Is it that girl you've been texting me about" he teased with a playful smirk. "Maybe" Dan said, embarrassed that jack basically just announced he talked about me before shyly admitting "yeah this is her"
I peered out behind dans tall frame to see a man, slightly on the short side with a cheeky grin and dimples. Untameable honey blond hair sticking up in all directlections which suited his energetic personality.
"Jack?" I didn't know he knew Dan.
"Anna?" His green eyes widened as he looked at me.
"Haha I would never of guessed THIS Anna was who you were talking about"
He snickered behind his hand.
"What's that supposed to mean!?" I grumbled angrily, this guy was unbelievably annoying.
"You two know each other?" Dan asked, confused.
"Yes" I sighed.
"He's the annoying barista that always try's to talk to me when I'm clearly not in the mood"
"Oi!" He looked at Dan and then pointed at me, pouting like a child
"Look Dan, she's so mean to me I don't know how you could like a stupid meany like her"
both me and Dan rolled out eyes at his childishness.
"So how do you know each other?" Dan questioned.
"She's a regular! She comes here all the time." He grinned, swinging an arm around my shoulder but pulling back when he noticed me wince in pain.
"Hey what happened to your shoulder?" He asked staring at the blood that had imprinted on his hand.
I looked around the room panicked and quickly gave Dan a look that said 'help me.'
He noticed and rushed over to me attempting to break the awkward tension.
"I think she needs to rest right now, I'll explain later" he said, pushing me into the back room.
Jack raised an eye brow clearly wanting to ask questions but decided against it, going back to cleaning the counters.

"Thanks for that" I said, letting out the breath, I didn't know I was holding.
"No problem" he said, slumped against the door.
"But I wasn't lying when I said you should get some rest, go on you can use my bed over there" he pointed to a small bed with mountains of pillows and blankets.
"You live here?"
He nodded
"But what about jack, I mean does he know about you?"
"He's a demon too" Dan said bluntly.
"What!?" I almost choked.
"Everyone that works here isn't human"
"This is what I wanted to show you, I'll introduce you to everyone tomorrow but for now you should go to bed I'll take the couch."
"Thanks" I said gratefully
Dan looked at me and smiled lovingly. "Goodnight" he spoke and bent down, brushing the dark hair from my face as he gave me a quick kiss on the fore head, witch made me blush for about the hundredth time that day. He left the room and closed the wooden door behind him softly, leaving me overwhelmed with all this new information.

I looked at the wardrobe before me as I fished out a shirt, which appeared about ten sized too big before swiftly slipping it on.
It reached down to my knees and I looked completely ridiculous but out of everything that happened today how I looked was the least of my worries.
I climbed into bed and switched of the light letting darkness consume the room as I closed my heavy eyelids.
I listened to the murmuring of talking coming from the other room and I smiled.
'that's right, I'm not alone anymore' were my last thoughts before slipping into unconsciousness.

This is filled with cheesy romance but I don't care I find them adorable! >_<
(There will be more action in future chapters)

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