Save you

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Niall's POV
The police filed the case and had immediately set out their forces to look for the three. That's when it hit me, Jake was still with Jenny. I had to go tell Jenny the truth about everything because Jake might hurt her too. So I dropped Liam and Zayn home and went ahead to Jenny's to have a talk with her.

I reached her house in a matter of 10 minutes. However when i was about to ring the door bell, the door opened and out came Jake with a smirk on his face showing his satisfaction, I gripped his hand and didnt let go. "May I know the reason for that filthy smirk on your face?" I asked sternly to which he just nodded towards the door indicating that i should go look my self so i did but my eyes burned as i saw the sight in front me. Jenny was on the floor naked completely naked a little blood surrounding her lower part and nags and scratches all over her body she was unconscious and jake raped her. My blood started to boil as i turned around and immediately punched jake on the face him flying on to the ground but he kicked me with as much force we were toppling all over each other on the road thats when a police car stopped at us and I immediately stopped and stood up however jake was still trying to attack me which made the police men lasertag him and he fell to the ground. "Why were you to fighting?" The police man asked.
"He raped a friend of mine jenny. I have a case filed against him for stalking and kidnapping. Im niall james horan and 3 years back I was kidnapped and he's the person set up the whole plan." I replied to which the police nodded in agreement.
"Where's jenny?" He asked.
"She's in a critical condition she's inside but she's naked and unconscious"

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Dec 25, 2015 ⏰

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Stockholm Syndrome (Niall horan)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora