Regrets and forgiveness

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I walked in and I instantly regreted doing so. My eyes darted towards the sofa in the living room where jenny was shirtless on top of an another person. Making out. A full on make out session. Jenny jerked up as she covered her breasts with her arms getting off of the guy, staring intently at me. We just shared looks. "Niall?" she stuttered and I just nodded and I could already see tears brimming on he reyes, just like mine. "You're alive?" she asked walking upto me dropping her arms on her sides not caring that she still stood in front of me with just her bra on. I nodded once again this time including the slightest smile. She walked even closer and she placed her palm on my cheek, as I simply closed my eyes enjoying her soothing touch. "How?" she stattared "Long story" i replied barely above a whisper. "ehm" the guy cleared his throat purposely which caused Jenny to jolt and remove her hand from my cheek. She turned around and looked at him returining her gaze back at me "Niall, he's my- my boyfriend, Jake" i nodded yet once again, "I'm sorry, I interuppted, I should leave.." I trailed off turning around but she held on my wrist, "Niall, don't be. okay? We'll talk about this okay?" and once again the only choice i had was to nod. "Can I- Can I know who you are?" Jake spoke and i instantly reddened. "Um- I am Niall Horan, her friend" i replied lying on the 'her friend' well atleast for me it was a lie. "No Jake he is Niall as in Niall from One direction, the guy who was killed by his kidnapper" Jenny quickly clarified. "Your ex?" Jake asked her and his words stabbed me in my chest, broke my heart into a million pieces, She looked at me and nodded. "Well, I gotta go now... See you guys soon" I turned around listening to a their goodbyes. I walked outside, not thinking straight. I walked and walked until I reached a night club, walking in the smoke and smell of alcahol filled my nostrilsas I downed shots on shots, dancing my way to my peaceland.  drunk as fuck.

Stockholm Syndrome (Niall horan)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora