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Niall's POV
I tapped my foot impatiently waiting for rose to arrive and within 20 minutes she was there in her car outside our house she cane closer and I led her into the mansion without uttering a word. Harry sat there on the sofa and he started burning holes in rose with his death stares.
"What the fuck is going on rose?!" I asked
"Alright Niall, Harry first of all I am being forced to do all of this so do not hate me please my life is on stake" we nodded as she continued. "You see the whole thing started when, you and Jenny started dating, this guy who used to work in my bakery had a crush on her and you and jenny would often visit our bakery and he became jealous so he plotted a plan" my eyes widened and harry was intently listening. "He wanted to get rid of you and make jenny his girlfriend and he threatened to rape me if I didn't help him. He had asked me to kill you but because I couldn't I made a deal with him that I would keep you with me until forever and he would console jenny."
"What the actual fuck" I whispered
"I'm coming to that harry ! Regina does not love you because she is in love with Niall!" My face immediately redenned and her flirtyness was explained. "How do you know that?!"
"She used to live in my apartment, she was my best friend. When she knew about the whole Kidnapping Niall part she secretly held a meeting with that guy and made agreements that she would hang out with you (harry) and get information about Niall. That's how I was able to track Niall. Then Regina made me kiss you, regina is a sex crazy person she has sex or atleasr hits an orgasm every day. She threatened to kill me if I didn't seduce you to bring your dark side out. That's when I had sex with you only once that also when you were turned on all by yourself outside the court."
My face was even more red and Harry was sitting there his hands in a fist. He was fumming. "But you told me that we had sex before in a hotel room"
"No we didn't, it's true that I was at the same club as you were in but regina had drugged your drink and made me take you too a hotel where I took off your clothes and placed a bra with it so that you THINK you had sex"
"What the fuck i am so confused"
"See, the whole point is that I never meant to kidnap you, I was forced to. Regina was using harry to get to you and I was used by a guy who wanted jenny and she was so in love with you that he could only win her by making you disappear. Third, My life is in danger and if jenny gets attached to you, your life will be in danger too and Harry stop loving regina, she doesn't love you at all she is using you to get to niall."
"But I love her" harry whispered. We didn't reply and he rushed to his room.
"But rose, why didn't you tell me earlier? And why did you guve me the friends with benefits excuse?"
"If I became your girlfriend and we fell in love or something regina would've killed both of us and harry too so I had to give you the friends with benefits excuse."
"But you didn't want to get raped but hsve a beneficial sex with me, isn't that the same thing?"
"He already raped me. I also becane pregnant but he kicked me and the baby died. Sex with you was once only. I knew I was to break soon and I also for some reason knew that I would have to tell you the truth so I gave you the friends with benefits excuse because Niall I've known you for 3 years and I also kniw you're not the kind who'd bang every girl. Maybe that one time was a rebound because you were or maybe still are insanely in love with Jenny. "
"Promise me one thing."
"You won't tell this to the media or anyone because trust me rumors leak in a whiffey and my life would be at stake"
"I would promise you if you only tell me who the guy is"
"Fine, he's Jake, the guy you met when you went to meet jenny after 3 years"
"Does jenny know about this shit?"
"Niall, she still loves you."

PLOTTTTTWISTTT. ALRIGHT ! Now the story will get hella dramatic :p you see this is still the beggining there is more shit to go down the road ;) Enjoy reading :) ps. Guess what will happen next.
btw i have an exam tomorrow but I wanted to treat you all with a surprise update:) so now vote share and please comment !

Stockholm Syndrome (Niall horan)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora