Chapter 9

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You did that!?” Hermione questioned grinning, “Brilliant!”

Ginny was smiling, “I am so proud of you Luna! I didn’t think you had it in ya.”

“I guess now we’ve seen the evil side of Luna Lovegood,” Hermione commented.

Luna blushed, “I feel sort of bad though, I normally wouldn’t have done that but... he dyed my hair...”

“You had every right!” Ginny exclaimed, “He messed with your hair, he was asking for it!”

Luna smiled, glad that the girls thought she did the right thing even though she didn’t. She knew that revenge was never the answer but she had been so caught up in the fact that her hair was green that she had thought it the right thing to do. She also realized that she was going to pay for what she did to Draco and she wasn’t looking forward to it. Hermione must have seen her worried look because she gave her a sympathetic look.

“We have your back Luna, remember that... anything he does, he will regret.”

Luna smiled, “thanks ‘Mione.”

“Oh and Luna,” Ginny said, “if you need help with revenge ideas, I have 24/7 access to Pigwigton so you can get ideas on demand from Fred and George.

Luna laughed, “Thanks Gin,” she said, “I’m going to go look for my shoes.”

Hermione and Ginny exchanged an odd look but nodded and said bye none the less. Luna started walking barefoot down the corridors, looking for her missing shoes. Odd that they’d all just disappear like that... She was walking down the cold corridor when she heard a mischievous snicker come from the boy’s lavatory. Knowing very well that she shouldn’t be in the boy’s lavatory, she hesitantly opened the door a crack and peaked in to see what was going on in there.

Draco stood over the sink mixing some sort of potion. She bit her lip, hoping to God that it wasn’t meant for her. Draco heard something and turned around but Luna had already ducked out of the boy’s lavatory and started hurrying to her dormitory, shoes forgotten. When she got to her dormitory she headed straight to her bed, ignoring the stares and rude comments about her hair. The rumours about her being pregnant had quickly dropped after their little prank war started but there was new gossip replacing the old rumours already.  Luna flopped face first onto her bed. She wished that Draco never would’ve pranked her in the first place, then none of this would’ve happened and she would still be Loony Lovegood not the pregnant girl with green hair.


Luna opened her eyes warily. She didn’t remember falling asleep the night before but her brain was still a little fuzzy so perhaps she’d recall what had happened when she was more awake. She sat up and the first thing she did was feel her hair and face for anything prank-like. She examined herself in the mirror and found that luckily, Draco hadn’t pranked her while she slept. She still wasn’t up to eating in the Great Hall though so she headed to the kitchens. Luna was skipping towards the picture with the ticklish pear when she heard footsteps echoing down the corridor. She quickly turned around, wand in hand, ready to attack if it was Draco.

It wasn’t Draco.

It was Filch.

“What do you think you’re doing down here?” He growled.

Luna hesitated, unsure of whether or not she should lie but figured it best, “I was just taking a walk; it’s very nice in this part of the castle. There are a lot of portraits that you don’t get to see every day on your way to class.”

Filch considered this for a moment, looking over her with wary eyes. Luna was too sweet and innocent to be considered guilty even when she was guilty.

Eventually, Filch said, “Students aren’t supposed to be in this corridor, I’ll let ya off with a warning this time but if I see you round these parts again it’ll be a detention, got that?”

“Yes, Mr. Filch,” Luna nodded and hurried to the Great Hall. That was just great, now she didn’t have access to food unless she ate in the Great Hall.

She sat next to Ginny, Neville and Colin Creevy. She didn’t talk to Colin much but he seemed nice and he was one of Ginny’s closest friends so Luna didn’t mind sitting by him. They were having a heated discussion about Quidditch which wasn’t really Luna’s thing but she listened anyway. Draco walked over to the table and everyone turned to glare at him. He didn’t seem to mind though. He just smirked and attempted to play with a lock of Luna’s green hair. I say attempted because as soon as he touched her hair three spells hit him at the same time.

Ginny hit him with a very nasty bat bogey hex, Colin hit him with Experlliarmus causing his wand to fly across the Great Hall right into Hermione’s hands and Neville hit him with Stupify. Draco flew across the Great Hall and collapsed in a heap, unconscious. The bat bogey hex really wrapped it up; watching Malfoy get pummelled by his own bogeys was icing on the cake. Ginny smiled at her work proudly. Luna bit her lip nervously, she was sure Draco had meant no harm other than to mock her by playing with her hair and she was certain that the others had taken it a tad bit too far. A few of Malfoy’s cronies hurriedly picked him up and rushed him to the hospital wing, trying to avoid getting hit by the bogeys on the way. Luna couldn’t help but giggle although she still thought it was completely inappropriate to stoop to his level. Luna sighed, realizing what she had just thought; she was such a hypocrite.

She gulped down the rest of her pumpkin juice and headed to her dorm to get her books.  She had Potions and Transfigurations class... fun. On her way to Potions she felt really tired, even though she had just woken up. She ignored her sleepiness and sat by her cauldron in Snape’s classroom. She almost fell asleep three times during Potions class but finally it was over and she headed to Transfiguration. Luna was walking down an empty corridor when the fatigue overwhelmed her and she fell asleep in the middle of the corridor. Draco smirked; all was going according to plan. 

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