Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

He’s so close to me, I feel my heart pounding in my chest and try with great difficulty to control my breathing. He looks into my eyes and I wanted more than anything to just lean in and close the gap between us. Before I could, Harry leaned in his soft lips just barley brushing mine before... a loud banging sound emitted from behind me and Harry froze where he was. I yearned to press my lips against his and fill that gap in my heart that had been bothering me for a long time now but the noise somehow stopped me. It got louder and louder until...

“Wake up!”

Draco snapped awake and abruptly sat up, scowling at Blaise who had woken him from a sweet yet... disturbing dream.

“What do you want?” Draco snapped.

“I’ve been trying to wake you for the last fifteen minutes but you just kept sleeping, muttering something about wanting to close the gap....? What’s that about?”

“It’s none of your business, now why were you trying to wake me?”

Blaise raised an eyebrow, “Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed... I was trying to wake you because class starts in ten minutes and you didn’t seem like you were going to wake up by yourself anytime soon. Is that because you were having a good dream Draco? Seemed like it... almost seemed like you were dreaming about someone in particular...” Blaise grinned.

“W-What do you mean?” Draco questioned startled... he didn’t know... he couldn’t know.

“Having a dream about Luna, Draco?” Blaise teased to Draco’s relief.

“Yes. Yes, that’s it exactly,” He said and lay back down.

Blaise looked at him confused, “You weren’t dreaming about Luna were you...?”

“What? No, I was!” Draco assured hurriedly.

“No you weren’t... who were you dreaming about?” Blaise questioned a small frown on his face.

Draco shrugged and muttered something unintelligible. At that moment, Crabbe and Goyle lumbered into the dormitory.

“Class starts in five, are we ditching Malfoy?” Crabbe asked looking excited... stupid idiot.

“No you idiot, I just woke up late. Now go stuff your faces while I get dressed,” Draco spat disgusted.

The two left and Draco took this opportunity to start getting ready for class, changing the subject.

“Look Luna, it’s your boyfriend,” Ashley sang in a playful sing-songy voice.

Luna smile, slightly embarrassed but happy all the same, “Hi Draco.”

“Oh hey Luna.... do me a favour and kiss me,” Draco said sounding distracted.

“Um... why?”

“Does there have to be a reason? I’m your boyfriend and am in need of some love, is it too hard to give me a kiss?”

“Uh with that attitude it is,” Luna responded raising an eyebrow, “Draco...what’s going on? Is everything alright?”

“No! No everything is not alright! I-I just don’t want to talk about it,” He muttered and walked away.

Luna frowned concerned. She followed him, grabbing his arm as he walked down the corridor on his way to class.

“Let go Luna.”

“Tell me what’s going on.”


“Why won’t you tell me? You’re not... reconsidering the relationship are you?” Luna asked the answer hitting her. She should have known, she just wasn’t meant to be happy.

“No. Well... no. Not at all,” Draco answered sounding uncertain.

Luna sighed; she knew it. “It’s okay Draco...” She told him quietly, “If you want to be with another girl just say so.”

“But I don’t want to be with another girl.... I want to be with...never mind,” Draco hastily said turning away from her.

Luna looked at him confused, “You don’t want to be with a girl you want to be with a... guy...?” No... Her first love couldn’t turn out to be gay... that just wasn’t fair.

Draco refused to look her in the eye, “I-I don’t know...” He admitted.

Luna felt for him... she really did but her heart was aching to hear this. She took his hand and squeezed it gently before dropping it again, “Well I think you’re going to need to figure that out.”

Draco looked at her sadness and desperation reflecting in his eyes, “W-What are you saying?”

“I’m saying...” Luna looked away from him, trying to swallow the lump slowly forming in her throat, “I’m saying that maybe we should take a break until you find out what you really want...”

Draco shook his head hopelessly, his mouth gaping wordlessly.

“I’m sorry Draco...” Luna said softly, finalizing it and breaking her own heart in the process. She could practically feel the small hammer chipping away at her heart as she spoke.

“B-But Luna...”

Luna turned and ran from him, not wanting him to see her tears. She hated her life... ever since her mom died when she was nine, everything had gone wrong. No one liked her but Ashley and now the only person she’d ever loved might be gay. She just wanted to curl up in a ball and lay alone for days crying but she knew she wouldn’t do that. She needed to be strong and face life like she’d always had. Fun.  

Draco watched Luna leave, his bottom lip quivering slightly. What was wrong with him?! He was totally straight and had been sure of it up until a few days ago... what changed? What possible force wanted to make him even more miserable than he already was? Maybe he should just give up... he’d thought about it before... maybe he should just give up life and join his parents. Draco sighed and looked upwards wondering if they knew what he was going through right now... and if they would even care if they did.

He sighed and headed to his dorm. There was no reason to go to class today... he wouldn’t learn anything anyway.

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