Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Luna was trying her best to avoid Draco. She couldn’t wrap her mind around the fact that she’d kissed Draco Malfoy... and liked it. Luna sat at the Ravenclaw table in the Great Hall for the first time in months. She usually would either eat outside or at the Gryffindor table with her only friends. Today though, she’d rather be alone with her thoughts.

“Hi Luna,” Donec said, sitting beside her.

Luna looked at him, slightly confused. Why was he sitting with her? She was the weird girl that no one liked and he was the popular guy that every girl wanted... it was probably a dare or something.

“Hello,” she replied airily, “you know, you don’t have to sit with me. I haven’t quite figured out if you’re talking to me out of pity or some dare but either way, you don’t have to bother.”

Donec looked confused, “I’m sitting here because I want to sit next to you... not out of pity or a dare,” he said. He seemed like he was being honest but he might just be a good actor.

“Oh. Why?” Luna asked curiously.

“Because I like you, your pretty cool when you’re not talking about made up creatures.”

“Actually-“Luna cut herself off. Now was not the time to tell Donec that Nargles and Crumple-Horned Snorcacks do exist.

Donec cleared his throat awkwardly, “can I ask you something?”

“Of course you can, I might not answer you but feel free to ask.”

“What’s really going on between you and Malfoy?”

Luna bit her lip. Great, he’d asked exactly what she didn’t want to talk about, “Nothing.”

“I’ve seen you two talking. Everyone’s wondering if you two are in a secret relationship or not. What’s really going on between you and Malfoy?” He asked again.

“I told you, nothing is going on between me and Malfoy! When we went into the empty classroom that one time it was because he was threatening to prank me! Then he did so I pranked back and we agreed that it wasn’t worth it, whenever we talk now, it’s just to remind each other that we aren’t total enemies anymore!” Luna exclaimed, trying to tell herself the same thing although she knew it wasn’t true.

“Okay, okay,” Donec said, holding his hands up in surrender, “so there’s absolutely no chemistry between you and Malfoy?”

Luna did the only thing she could do, she lied, “None at all.”

“So you wouldn’t mind then, if I did this,” Donec said, his lips brushing softly against hers. Luna’s heart skipped a beat and she stared at him in shock.

Donec blushed slightly and wouldn’t look her in the eye, “Sorry... I shouldn’t have done that...”

Luna tried to form words but couldn’t so instead she reached for his hand and squeezed it reassuringly. He examined her face, trying to find any hint that she might feel the same way. Luna smiled, hoping she looked like the kiss meant more to her than it really did. Of course she was happy that he kissed her, he was such a better choice than Draco but... when Donec kissed her she hadn’t felt the same jolt that she’d felt while kissing Draco. Luna had to admit that although she wished it wasn’t the case, she’d enjoyed her kiss with Draco a lot more. Maybe it was because she’d kissed him longer... Donec had only given her a quick peck on the lips. Perhaps, if she could manage to get Donec alone, she could find out who was really the better kisser.

Donec smiled at her but she could tell it was forced, “You don’t feel the same you?”

“No! I do, I just... you just surprised me that’s all,” Luna assured him. She’d liked Donec since second year, so why was she being so hesitant now?

“A-are you sure?” He asked uncertainly.

Luna smiled, “yes. Absolutely.”

Draco watched sadly from the Slytherin table.  Jealousy was coursing through his veins and he felt like punching someone.  He’d kissed Luna and she walked away, that had hurt as it was but then she had to go and start kissing other guys right in front of him. He stood up abruptly and left the Great Hall.

Luna saw Draco storm out of the room and instantly felt bad. Why should she feel bad? He kissed her, it wasn’t her fault that she didn’t feel the same way about him... she knew that was a lie but she refused to admit it to herself. Donec noticed her zoning out and raised an eyebrow. Luna tried hard to focus on him but her gaze kept drifting back to the doors that Draco had recently left through. She’d much rather be with him instead of talking to Donec but she told herself that she was having fun and tried to believe it.

“Luna, if you don’t want to talk to me you don’t have to,” Donec sighed.

Was it that noticeable? “I do want to talk to you... I just have a lot going through my mind right now. Maybe we could do this some other time?” She asked hopefully.

Donec gave her a forced smile and said, “Sure Luna.”

Luna thanked him and headed back to her dormitory to think things through. Unfortunately, Hermione and Ginny caught up to her before she could surrender herself to the deep comforts of sleep.

“Luna!” Ginny exclaimed, grabbing her arm, “what the hell happened!?”

“Huh?” She questioned, utterly confused.

“Remember at that sleepover? You said you’d stay away from Malfoy, and we know you aren’t,” Hermione stated, looking concerned and hurt at the same time.

Luna stuttered, “I-I couldn’t, he was pranking me... you helped me prank him back remember?”

“We meant talking to him as... friends, not enemies, we know you have been Luna,” Ginny told her.

“How?” She asked, ashamed. Did they know about... the kiss?

Ginny bit her lip, “we heard you call a truce with him... then he started making fun of you and you left so... we followed you...” She admitted.

Luna gaped at them shocked, “you spied on me!?”

Hermione jumped in, “not spy! We were worried about you... we know what Malfoy’s capable of and when he followed you, we were afraid you’d get hurt...”

Luna was glad that they were worried about her but that didn’t give them the right to butt into her personal life. She didn’t say anything, she was too afraid of losing the only friends she’d ever had.

“Luna... you aren’t mad are you?” Ginny asked hesitantly.

Luna took a deep breath and said, “of course I’m mad, Gin. You guys can’t follow me around and spy on me, if I wanted you to know about me and Draco then I’d tell you.”

“We’re sorry, really sorry,” Hermione said sincerely and Ginny nodded in agreement.

“It’s okay,” Luna sighed.

Hermione smiled, “so um, if you don’t mind my asking.... what is going on with you and Malfoy?”

“I heard you’re on first name basis now,” Ginny said.

Luna sighed again; this would be a long day.

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