Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Christmas was fast approaching and Luna could see the change in the air. Even if it weren’t for all of the decorations, you’d be able to tell by the carefree looks and spirited happiness seen around the castle that Christmas was coming. Luna skipped down to the dungeons and sat in her usual potions seat. Her class was made up by an uneven amount of students so Luna sat alone. Lately, Donec had been coming over to talk to her before class and sometimes even sat with her in other classes but most of the time she sat alone. Professor Snape entered the classroom followed by small girl that Luna had never seen before. The girl sat next to Luna and smiled brightly at her.

“This is Ashley Mckenzie,” Snape told the class, “she’s new so treat her nicely.”

Luna smiled at Ashley, “Hello, I’m Luna Lovegood.”

Ashley gaped, “Lovegood? As in Xenophilius’ daughter? The author of the Quibler?” She questioned.

Luna nodded, wondering if she was once again going to be mocked for her and her father’s beliefs.

“I love the Quibler!” Ashley exclaimed, “its full of such useful information! Did you know that Cornelius Fudge eats goblins in his pies?”

Luna nodded happily, “he gave up on that though after the publicity got bad.”

At diner in the Great Hall, Draco decided to bring up the subject of last night. He made sure that Crabbe and Goyle weren’t listening because those idiots would surely tell the whole school and if Blaise was hesitant of telling him alone then he definitely wouldn’t spill with those losers around.

He sat next to Blaise and smirked, “so, did you miss me while I was putting away my books?”

Blaise blushed, “No.”

“Uh huh,” Draco teased, “so what was with yesterday? You were acting really weird...”

“Huh? What are you talking about?”

“You know what I’m talking about, Blaise,” Draco said looking at him.

Blaise looked back at him for so long that it was starting to creep Draco out then he averted his gaze and mumbled, “It was nothing.”

Draco didn’t believe his friend. He knew Blaise and this wasn’t normal behaviour for him.

“Seriously dude, what’s up?”

“I told you it’s nothing,” he said, sounding a little annoyed.

Draco looked at him sceptically, “you sure?”

“Just... girl trouble, nothing to worry about,” He told him and went back to eating. 

Draco glanced worriedly at Blaise one more time then allowed his gaze to fall on the pretty little blonde sitting at the Ravenclaw table. A smile danced across his lips as he watched Luna talk happily with another girl. If it had been any other Ravenclaw, Draco would have gone over there and kiss her full on the lips. He took his reputation into account though and decided on watching from afar.

Luna smiled joyfully. Ashley was great; she was the friend that Luna had been wishing she had for the six years she’d gone to Hogwarts. Ashley had transferred from Intetrum, a Canadian school of witchcraft and wizardry. She was muggleborn and her parents had to move for her father’s work so she had to transfer magical schools which was highly unusual.

“I didn’t like it at Intetrum anyways, I didn’t have any friends and the teachers there were really mean,” Ashley told her.

“Oh well it’s a good thing that your father had to work here then isn’t it?”

She nodded brightly and whispered, “Do you have a boyfriend?”

Luna wondered if Draco counted as a boyfriend... he did tell her that he liked her... and kissed her but... she didn’t think he would want her telling people that anyways. Luna sighed, “no, why?”

“Because,” She whispered smiling, “that hot Slytherin boy has been staring at you and smiling for the past ten minutes!”

Luna didn’t even have to look to know who she was talking about but she looked anyways, “who, Dr-Malfoy?”

“Dr-Malfoy?” She asked an amused smirk pasted on her pretty features, “either he has a really weird name or you were going to call him something else but stopped yourself.”

Luna sighed, “His name is Draco Malfoy.”

“Well Luna, I believe that this Draco Malfoy has a thing for you,” She grinned.

“I already knew that,” Luna said before she could stop herself.

Ashley looked at her confused, “I thought you said you don’t have a boyfriend...?”

“I don’t... we’re not... official, I guess is the right word...”

“Oh. His friends pretty hot too,” Ashley said, losing interest in the conversation.

Luna looked next to Draco. He was sitting with his usual group of friends and Luna guessed that Ashley wasn’t talking about Crabbe or Goyle, “Blaise? Yeah, a lot of girls like him.”

Ashley nodded, “are you done eating? I’m bored, let’s go for a walk.”

Luna agreed and followed her out of the Great Hall. She saw Draco’s eyes following her as she left and a smile crept onto her face. Before she walked into the corridor, she let her eyes meet his. He smiled sheepishly, realizing that he’d been caught but Luna just winked and left the room with Ashley, the image of Draco’s eyes widening and jaw dropping still fresh in her mind. 

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