Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Luna was in her dormitory, removing all of the make-up the girls had applied to her face. She liked the attention her new look had brought her but she still couldn’t shake the feeling that her classmates only talked to her because of her looks. That’s because it’s true, she thought bitterly and finished wiping the make-up off her face.  Luna was in her pajamas, her hair tied in a messy ponytail, ready for bed. Just as she was about to lie down and attempt to fall asleep, which was proving very difficult nowadays, when she heard yelling coming from the corridor outside the Ravenclaw common room.

Luna curiously walked down to the common room and listened at the entrance.

“How am I supposed to know that!?” Luna recognized Draco’s voice instantly.

“If you don’t know, then you are not welcome here,” the eagle door-knocker’s light airy voice replied.

“Well why not? I need to see someone!”

“It has a golden head, it has a golden tail, but it hasn’t got a body, what is it?” the door-knocker asked, “Find the answer and you shall be allowed to pass.”

Luna suppressed a giggled; she could practically hear the wheels in Draco’s brain turning. She heard him groan in frustration and decided to help him out. She opened the door and said, “It’s a golden coin, you can come in now Draco.”

He grinned sheepishly at her and she felt her heart pound in her chest. She’d noticed before but it just now really hit her how cute Draco was. His blonde hair was messy, as if he’d just gotten out of bed but flopped into place with a quick shake of his head. Luna suddenly had a strong urge to run her fingers through his hair but refrained herself. He looked her in the eyes and she noticed that his usually cold, icy blue eyes held a warm and apologetic expression.

“Um...are you going to let me in?” Draco asked a little nervously.

Luna nodded and stepped aside, holding the door open wide so Draco could step into the Ravenclaw common room. Everyone stopped and stared as Draco entered and Luna saw his eyes flick anxiously around the room. She could tell by the facial expression he wore that he was debating doing something. Luna curiously wondered what was on his mind but only for a few minutes.

Do it you idiot!

But they’ll all see...

You didn’t come all the way up here to stand around like a moron!

I didn’t come here to ruin my social life either.

Technically, you did. But don’t worry about that, worry about what will happen if you don’t do it.

The consequences were too high. He couldn’t lose her. Draco cut off his mental argument with himself and turned to Luna, trying to ignore the people starring.

He took her hand.

Draco didn’t turn around to see the look of shock on some people’s faces, he didn’t listen to the couple ‘oohs’ that were shouted by random people, he didn’t take notice of the few brave comments telling him to get his skinny Slytherin ass out of their common room, he didn’t care. Draco Malfoy didn’t care. Something about that made him smile.

He leaned close to Luna so that his lips softly brushed her ear as he spoke, “You look beautiful,” he whispered causing a blush to creep onto Luna’s face. She wasn’t dressed up and didn’t have make-up covering her face, she was dressed for bed and he’d still called her beautiful. She wanted to kiss him, full on the mouth then and there but she had to know something first.

Softly, Luna asked just one question, “Do you want to be my boyfriend?”

Without any hesitation Draco answered, “I’ve known the answer to that question for a long time but I was too afraid of losing my reputation. I’m not afraid anymore, Luna. Yes.”

With that, Draco leaned in and gently kissed her, in front of all those people. It was only lasted for a second but the meaning behind it was clear; Draco was done hiding, he was ready to face the world holding Luna’s hand all the way. Luna smiled.

The common room was eerily quiet. No one moved or spoke, as if waiting for Luna to freak out and slap Draco or something. Instead she said so everyone could hear, “I love you too.”

Draco’s heart stopped. He’d told her that he loved her but if he remembered correctly, she hadn’t said it back... until now. He was slightly aware of the shocked looks on the people now crowded around them but he didn’t care. All that mattered was that he was here, holding the hand of the girl he loved and that she loved him back. She loved him back! Nothing and no one could ruin this moment... not even the bounding ball of energy that rushed up to Luna and enveloped her in what looked like a suffocating hug, separating her from Draco. That ball of energy was named Ashley.

“Can’t. Breath,” Luna said, pushing Ashley away.

Ashley grinned, unfazed and said excitedly, and rather loudly, “Oh my god Luna! You have a boyfriend! A hot boyfriend too!”

“Shut up Ash!” Luna blushed, seeing Draco smirk from the corner of her eye, “No need to make his head any bigger than it already is.”

Not even her insults could erase the seemingly permanent smile glued on Draco’s face. Luna smiled at him as Ashley went on and on about how excited she was. Draco walked over to them and said softly to Luna, “I’m going to go back to my dorm and let you two talk...”

Luna nodded looking a little disappointed, “alright, goodnight Draco.”

“Goodnight beautiful,” Draco wondered if he should have added the beautiful comment... what if she thought he was moving too fast? All doubt was erased when he saw Luna beam at him and he headed back to his dorm with a spring in his step. Life was good. 

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