Chapter Three

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I've come to the conclusion that younger siblings are a pain in the ass. They're never quite old enough to understand you when you need them, yet when you don't want them around they're always in your hair.

For me, the saying 'in your hair' was quite literal. First of all, my younger sister Callie is the biggest Tangled fan you will ever meet. She has all of the merchandise, plus more. I had my friend April O'Conner come over for a day so she could paint a mural on her walls. The interior side of the door was Rapunzel and Eugene. Rapunzels hair continued across the walls and then reached over Callie's closet before making its way down the wall and stopping a inch or so above the floor. The painting was really nicely done, I'll admit, but Callie wasn't pleased. So she had April redo her roots so they were brunette and then blended into her blonde. There was a pair of scissors in Eugene's hand though since Callie didn't like the glass shard that Callie originally painted.

So now every time I walk into Callie's room, I'm literally surrounded by hair. I wouldn't mind it so much if being surrounded by hair wasn't my job, but it was. I keep my mouth shut about it because it made Callie happy and I wasn't in there too often, but today I was.

"Cassie!" My sister screamed for me. I was currently downstairs surfing the web for anything Callie might not have of the merchandise.

"What?" I yelled back

"Can you come upstairs please?!" She shouted again. I mentally groaned and walked through the hall down to Callie's room. A ever surprising wave of purple and blonde hit me when I opened the door. There was no one there.

"What's wrong?"  I asked anyway.

"I'm in the bathroom." She replied.

I turned around and knocked.

"Is it okay if I come in?" I asked.

"Yeah, feel free."

I opened the door to a counter covered in hair.

"What is all of this?" I asked.

"Hair, duh, but that's not the problem." She said from behind the other door. Behind it was a shower and toilet.

"How is this not a problem? Is this your hair?" I asked

"Yes. I was also going to steal some hair dye of yours so I could look like Rapunzel, but that's still not the problem!" She whined.

"My hair dye? I told you not to touch that!" I said, leaning my head against the door.

"I know but I kind of already used some of it anyway." She said

I swear to you my eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.

"Why would you use my hair dye with out permission? I told you not to touch that Callie! If you're going to do that you need it professionally done, or even I could help you! Have you forgotten I work at a hair salon? Even if you wanted to you're not allowed to dye it yet! Let alone cut your own hair! What were you thinking?" I yelled from the other side.

"I just wanted something different! But that's still not the problem! I think I'm dying!" She exclaimed.

"You're being dramatic Callie, why would you be dying? You're a perfectly healthy thirteen year old girl."

"No I'm not! I was dying my hair and I followed the directions and all but I wanted to speed up the process so I hoped in the shower early and as I watched as the hair dye went down 8 noticed some red, but I used the blue so I got scared and got out, and it stopped while I got dressed, but it won't stop now and I needed your help!"  I could tell she was getting annoyed so I would just have to deal with the hair situation later.

"Where is the bleeding coming from?" I asked.

"Umm...down there." She said sheepishly.

I came to the realization pretty quickly that she had started. So I laughed.

"Cassie! This isn't funny! Why are you laughing?!" She screeched.

"I'm going to slide you something under the door. Open it up and put it on your underwear, the sticky side attaches to your underwear. When you have it on, come into your room and talk to me." I continued to laugh. I know I should have stopped and I'm not sure why I found it so funny, but I couldn't stop.

I went into her room yet again and sat on the bed. It took her a few minutes to come out of the bathroom.

"Oh my gosh Callie what did you do?" I exclaimed when she opened the door. She had cut off the front sections of her hair so they were chin length and died the top half of her head well, but the dye ran down her hair in choppy streaks.

"I don't know, can you tell me why I'm bleeding?" She asked. She slouched down helplessly onto the floor in front of me.

I explained the concept of a period to her and why it was happening. She was pretty grossed out by most of it but for the most part she understood.

"So does this mean I'm ready to be pregnant?" She asked.

I smiled and shook my head, "Yes Callie, but I can't have that talk with you."

"Okay." She said. I let her absurd the information as I took a look at her head.

"What were you trying to go for?" I asked her. She looked up from her thoughts and pouted.

"I wanted it shorter but not all the way like Rapunzel, like to my shoulders." She gestured to her neck. I sighed when I saw most of the dye made it onto her neck rather than her actual hair.

"Do you want me to fix this for you?" I asked.

She nodded frantically and ran to the bathroom. I followed her in and took out the scissors she had used previously.

"Yes please!" She said. I rinsed her hair out in the tub and removed as much hair dye as I could. The damage was done though.

"Do you want to be a brunette?" I asked. She looked in the mirror and sighed.

"Yeah that would look better than spots, right?" She replied.


I cut the rest of her hair to the same length as the front. She didn't look to good with a straight on bob so I gave her a few layers.

"This hair dye I'm going to put in is going to take about 45 minutes to set. That's about when dad gets home. You're explaining this all to him, got it?" I asked while I put the disposable gloves on.

"Okay." She said solemnly

"Also you owe me 27 dollars." I added

She glared at me before realizing this was her fault anyway.

"You're gonna want this." I said handing her some ibuprofen from the cabinet above the sink.

"Why do I need this?" She asked me.

"Just trust me."

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