Chapter Five

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Four odd things a person should know about me:

1.) My middle name is Genine, named after my some large amount of the word 'great' grandmother

2.) I carry sprinkles with me everywhere I go. If I don't have sprinkles with me everywhere I go, I can and will have heart failure

3.) I hate milk. End of story.

4.) Despite being the assistant manager at Detangled, I've never been trained to cut hair.

"Hey Cass, when did you say that Mrs. Smith  was coming in?" Amanda asked, watching the minute hand on the clock pass 7:45

"She said that she would come later, something about having to pick up her grandson up after school." I replied as I filed the hours paper

"What child ends school this late at night?" She asked, sitting in her chair exasperatedly.

"I don't know, maybe they're in college."

"A college student that can't drive themselves?" She sneered, obviously annoyed.

I snicker, remembering the bus ride with Gavin.

"You think we should close early? She may not even come." A distasteful tone in her voice as she spoke. She fidgeted with her apron, making sure her station was set up correctly.

"I've explained it to you multiple times Amanda, we don't close up shop early if we have a client scheduled for the half hour."

"I know but she may have forgotten," She continues to plead her case.

"Well she is an older lady, they like to take their time." I replied. Just as I did the door opened, releasing a gust of cold air into the room. The woman was smiling, her cheeks flush.

"Oh dear me, you would think for mid September it would be a little warmer."

"We're never quite that lucky." I smile

"Hello dear, I'm here for my 7:30 appointment." She smiled, taking off her coat and hanging it on the rack by the door.

"Yes, you're scheduled with Amanda." I smiled, gesturing over to the annoyed  hairdresser.

"Oh," she said as her smile faded.

"Is everything okay?" I asked

"Oh yes, everything is fine i suppose." She said. I could tell there was something bothering her though.

Her frail legs took her over to the chair, a slight squeak when she made contact with the leather. She looked up at Amanda with a weak smile

"Alright Miss Smith, what can I do for you today?" She said, prepping her scissors and tin foil.

She looked around the room anxiously at the example photographs. She suck a bit in her seat before looking at me.

"Well whats it going to be?" Amanda asked once again, but with more impatience

"I would actually prefer if that young lady could do my hair?" She smiled. I glanced at Amanda, her eyes raging with annoyance and irritation.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry but I don't actually have a-"

"I don't care. You showed me such hospitality on the phone," she said before glancing over her shoulder and then back at me to whisper.

"I'm sorry miss Smith, but I don't have my license, and I could get into serious trouble with the company." I replied.

She held her hand to her chin, then sighed.

"How about this, when do you guys close?" She asked. I glanced at the clock

"In ten minutes." Amanda replied

"Ten minutes. In ten minutes, you will cut my hair. And I'm not leaving until you do." She slumped down in the chair and crossed her legs, a triumphant look on her face. I looked at Amanda who was shaking her head.

"How old are you?" Amanda said, in means to point out how childish she was being.

"None of your concern, actually." She replied.

"Whatever, I don't have time to deal with this." Amanda said grabbing her bag, then proceeding to leave without her coat. I opened my mouth to say something, but it was too late.

"I don't suppose you were joking about the whole hair cut thing?" I asked in hopes this was as elaborate of a prank as the first day at school.

"Nope. But, how about this. I need my haircut for my grandson's wedding. I don't want to show up in the photos with this mop upon my head. In five minutes, you will cut my hair and I will pay you accordingly. You can do it off the books as if we were old chums." She said. I rose my eyebrows at her then shook my head. I thought about the consequences before deciding to give in, she really wasn't planning on leaving.

"So what is it that you would like, I can really only do simple things without-"

"Oh this is lovely!" She said pointing up to a picture we had of a previous customer on the mirror. Chloe had cut the lady's hair and added caramel high lights.

"Just the cut, ma'am?" I asked.


"Are you sure, that seems quite complicated for what I have experience with."

"Yes, I'm certain. There's nobody else around that will do it for me."

There was no point in arguing with her. We were in fact that only ones left in the shop.

I took a deep breath. I've been working here awhile now , so I've seen the employees do this. I mean it can't be that hard, can it?

I stared at the scissors with the handles covered in a blue and grey plastic around the handles. I tenderly picked them up, then stared at Mrs. Smiths's long blonde and grey hair. She smiled at me in approval then sat forward. I looked at my own reflection in disbelief that I was actually going to do this when I'm aware of the fact that I could mess up.

"Here goes nothing."

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