Dancing in nightmares

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Katniss pov
Gale and I had just gotten back from a long hunting trek. We sat on our couch, tired and breathless. We were asleep in minutes, listening to a crackling classical music song on the beat up radio transmitter that sat on my shelf. I rarely listened to music, but prim loved it, so I kept it on sometimes for her

An Hour later, I woke up breathing heavy from a nightmare. Gale woke too and ran his hand through my hair. "Are you ok?" He asks worriedly.
Nothing he can do calms me much. I regain my composure, but I feel numb and dead inside.

He stands up and holds my hand. He begins spinning me around a little. Dancing. We dance to the classical song prim loves. He puts his hands on my waist, mine on his shoulders, and we sway. I haven't danced like this very much.
By the end of the song, I have calmed down, and I'm hugging him while swaying. Eventually the song ends, and we just stand there hugging. I look up at him. His eyes a bit teary. I don't know what I was thinking, but I lean in and gently kiss him. When I pull back, we look at eachother for a minute, and then he leans into me. A gentle but firm kiss greets me. His hand brushes my check, wiping away the last of my tears. I was nervous. I wondered if he knew this was the first time I had ever kissed anyone.
We finally broke apart, and he just looked at me. I looked back at him. "I love you you know that right." He says. I smile and kiss him one more time, but not cautiously this time. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him full in the mouth. We break apart, but our foreheads are pressed together. "I love you too, you know that." I say.

Sorry for the short story. Lol. I think this one was ok.
The stories in no way are Linked to eachother. They are all different. None of them impact eachother.

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