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Katniss mother pov

This story is a bit of a continuation on the last story, where Gale is in a mine explosion. This will be the only continuation. All other stories are not connected

I woke up at around 6am to Katniss's screams. She yelled out things I couldn't even begin to understand. Since she's gotten back from the games, this has been happening a lot, but never this bad. I ran up the stairs and into her room, where I found her lying on the floor, gripping her shirt in her fists and screaming. "NOOO PRIM!MOM HELP THEM. HELP THEM. GALE. GALE NOO," she screams. She's not awake, but thrashing and screaming. I try to wake her, but it sends her into another crying fit of screams and yells. "GALE!!" She screams. "Katniss gales ok. He's sleeping on the couch." I tell her. Gale was just caught in a mine explosion, and staying here for a little while to heal up. But obviously she can't hear me because she's asleep. I shake her some more. She jumps out of sleep and bolts up right. "Where's Gale? Is he hurt?" She sobs and breaths heavy. "Where's Gale. Where's Gale." She says in a panicked voice. "He's right downstairs he's- and as if on cue, Gale comes running through the door. "Katniss..." He says worriedly. "Oh my god. Oh my- I'm sorry it was a nightmare. I'm sorry." She says. I see her look at him as if to make sure he's really there before standing up and hugging him. Gale rubs her back and tells her that it's all ok. "I'm going to go make some soup. I'll bring some up when it's finished.

The soup takes a good hour and a half to make. After its done, I go upstairs to ask if Katniss and Gale want any. When I walk in, I see Katniss in gales arms, leaning against the side of the bed. Her head is buried in his chest. They are both asleep. Neither of them got very much sleep last night, so I don't wake them. But I look at them, how almost peaceful they look. I remember how panicked Katniss was when the mine explosion sirens went off just a few days ago. How she stayed next to him the whole night, and curled up next to him when he couldn't sleep. I look at how gales arms seem to be protecting her from any harm that could come to her. And as I walk out that bedroom door, I wonder what Katniss would do without him.

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