But he's my best friend...so I'm gay?

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This is my first ever story on wattpad so...um...try not to be too harsh on the comments :)

<33 I'll love you guys forever if you just try and bare with me on this

--------------> pic is of Jason :)


                       Come on...come on....just five more minutes and-

  "Jason!" My best fried Christian whispered loudly to distract me from the time. I glared over at him. But my look softened as I saw he was trying not to laugh. I shoved his shoulder lightly and shook my head. I looked back at the clock. Christian shoved me so hard I fell out of my seat.

"What the hell man?!" I nearly yelled. His body shook violently with laughter and then the bell rang signaling the end of the day. I grabbed my books off the table and darted out of the classroom to my locker. I faintly heard my name being called. I ignored it.

I opened my locker and threw my books in it and slammed it closed. I was seventeen and a junior. But I was the schools star football player. All the girls wanted me. And a few guys. But I kept turning them down. I didn't blame them for wanting a piece of this though. I smirked to myself. I was six feet tall and built. My hair was black and I had emerald green eyes. I also had a perfect tan to go with my looks.

"Hey man, what's the rush?" I heard from the left. I didn't want to look. Wait...what am I talking about? This is my best friend! Of course I wanted to look. I turned my head to the left. Leaning against his locker was a blonde who was an inch maybe two taller than me. His eyes were gorgeous blue. Like the oceans in Hawaii. Oh no...I just said gorgeous. Well I guess there's nothing wrong...It's not like I have feelings for him. He snapped his fingers in front of my face. "Hey! Spacious loser! Come back to planet earth!" He chuckled.

Oh how I loved his chuckle. It was so cute and soft. That's enough...I need to stop. I shook my head. "I'm sorry what?" I asked as if I hadn't heard him. He chuckled again. I kept my eyes on the ground. "I asked why you ran out of the classroom like a bat out of hell." He said. "It's Friday! What do you expect?! I'm so ready for James' party tomorrow!" I dramatically jumped up and down acting like an excited girl.

Christian just shoved me again. But I actually lost my balance and tripped over my own two feet and fell on my ass. "Hey not so hard next time!" I snapped. I hated when that happened to me. Chris stretched out his hand walking over to me. I glared at it for a second. Then I got up without his help. He shrugged. I'd known Chris since we were born. We've lived next door to each other since birth. My mom and his dad were great friends.

  Instead of staying to talk to Chris I started to walk off. By now the school was empty other than the teachers. "Hey wait!" I heard Chris calling. I ignored him and walked faster. But in truth I wanted to turn around and run into those strong arms. That caused me to trip, but I felt a pair of arms surround my waist. Soft, muscled arms. I sighed. "Hey. I didn't mean to do that. You forgive me right Carrot?" He asked softly. I felt his breath on my ear and it made me shiver. He had called me Carrot. His nickname that he gave me back in elementary school. I grinned and he pulled me up to standing straight. His arms left my waist and I tried not to sigh.

   “Yeah I forgive you.” I couldn’t stay mad at him. I never could. He was always so sweet. He waved his hand in front of my face. I rolled my eyes. “Yes captain of the annoying?” I laughed. He smiled. “Just trying to see if you were still here on planet earth. Uh…um...I-I…Uh…coach might replace you on the team...” He stuttered out. I stopped laughing. “Why?” I nearly growled. Football was my life. “H-H-He didn’t say he was kicking you off. Just...giving the team a new leader.” Chris put a hand on my shoulder. “I’m going to go home ok?” I asked. Chris hesitated. “Sure. So I’ll see you later then.” He said. It wasn’t a question. We walked out of the high school and went to our vehicles. I didn’t plan on seeing him later though…I had other things to do. Like sit down and figure out what was going on with me.

But he's my best friend...so I'm gay?(ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now