Chaptar twooo

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Well I got home safely... Like anyone cares. I'm already used to the idea to coming home to an empty house or drunken fighting parents. I just get myself a snack do what needs to be done and go to sleep. It's a never ending cycle until the summers over. I got my parents to agree to go to public school.

Right when I entered the door I knew that my parents were home because of all the noises coming from the where ever. I just heard things being thrown and them yelling at each other. This house may be big but it's really quiet so I could hear some of what my parents are arguing about.

I went to my chore chart and started doing what was on there. I don't see why they order a maid it would be way easier on me but of course they love making my life miserable.

I got whatever needed to be done then went to the kitchen. of course me parents would be here.

"Where the hell have you been?!" my father slurred.

"I've been here cleaning sir."

"Oh really then whyy is it a bloody mess in here then? hmm? Explain that!" my mother screamed.

"I was busy doing everything else ma'am."

"Well clean this shit up or you're not going to school got it?" she slurred while dropping a wine bottle on the floor and leaving out the door.

I just hate when they purposely make a mess and the only way they would make me clean is by telling me I'm not going to get the only thing that has me motivated to keep living in this shit hole. The root to success to get a better life then the one I'm living because honestly I would much rather live far away from here as possible then contiue this life that I live. What helps me going is the thought of going to school and finally getting away from this house as soon as possible. 

After I was done cleaning the mess my beloved mom has made I went upstairs and couldn't stop thinking about the boy who had brought me back to consciousness. Oh yeah I gave him my number because he wanted to text me later, I wonder if he did I don't usually take my phone out because it is pretty much useless. I ran upstairs to find my phone dead!... The lord is testing me I swear. I put my phone on the charger and went on netfix to get a movie ready. I saw one of my favorite movies that is called Beast. And I didn't notice I was gay before, this is my all time favorite movie.... Unbelivable.

My phone might have some life in it by now, so I checked to see if I had any texts and I had one from an Unknown number. 

"Hey there Bennett this is Dennis." The text had read.

"Hii." I had replied. I can't believe he actually texted me, of course he did because he asked for my number it's not like he'll magically fall in love with me or anything. For some reason I'm really tired and don't wanna do shit. I hope i don't fall asleep on him if/when he replys. Watching this movie always grabs my attetion no matter how many times I had watched it. If you haven't watched this movie yet then you don't know what you are missing. 

Half way through the movie I wasn't paying attention to if I had got any texts from him. I checked my phone and there was another text from him 30 mins ago. I have got to stop not paiyng attention to my phone.

"Lol I'm glad you didn't die because I would've beat those kids asses if you did."

"Really? Wow. But yeah I'm doing fine just a major head ache." 

"Yeah I don't know what it is about you maybe it's because you look vulnerable. Lol just speaking my mind." 

"Okay thanks? I guess."

"Not like its bad or anything you're just so little and cute you know?"

"Little and cute? Are you gay or something?"

"Of course not I'm bisexual. Theres a big difference."

"Oh I'm a homosexual. FULL ON GAYNESS."

"Hah Called IT."

"What you knew I was gay this whole time?" 

"Yeah I have an amazing Gaydar. Its best if you don't ask me about it I really can't explain it."

"Don't worry I wasn't planning on it." 

"Anyways we should hang out sometime. Like at the skate park again?"

"Sure when because I pretty much have all the time on my hands."

"Okay tomorrow anytime after 3."

"Sounds good see ya then."

"Bye Bye" He had ended the conversation. He's a flamming bisexual I can't believe it. He is probably an open one and me on the other hand is no one knows except Dennis and me. I continued watching the movie slowly going to bed and thinking what tomorrow would be like. Soon enough I had fully lost consiousness by the end of the movie.


A/N: HEYYYY sorry I haven't been writing as much a s i promised but this time for sure I'll try and stay motivated for you guys<3 I honsetly don't know what I'm going to write next it just comes to mind as I'm Writing. Welll I LOVE EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU! 

Bye Bye -MizKookie♥

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