Chapter 6

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_Dennis's POV_

He said he would be here soon... Maybe it wouldn't hurt to check on him and see if he's doing okay or when he would be able to come over. Maybe he just got lost.... whatever I'll just go and check on him.

I grabbed my keys and went out the door. He doesn't live too far but I took my car just to find out quicker. I pulled in to a place where I assumed that was his his house because it had his last name on the mailbox hopefully it's not some other person... That'd be embarrassing. I got out of my car and stared in awe. Holy shit his house is fucking big its classy. i didn't expect him to live here. I rang the door bell and there was no answer. I checked the door knob and it was unlocked maybe he forgot to lock it or still was here so I went inside. The usual person would have just left if no one answered the door bell. But as you can see I'm not your average joe (a/n I almost wrote hoe ;-;) so I walked in and called his name. I heard like walking around upstairs and thought that might be him.

I ran upstairs to see if i could startle him and get mad at him for taking long. I went to a room that looked so plain and ordinary so I figured that would not be his room it could be just an extra room or something. So I kept on walking in the rooms and about the fifth room I opened it and saw something that looked like it could belong to Bennett.

He was lying unconscious on the bed with some lady that was just watching him.

"Hey who are you and what did you do to Bennett." It looked like she didn't notice me come in because she looked at me real fast and looked away. She shoved passed me with out saying a word. WHAT THE FUCK

"HEY what the fuck did you do to Bennett?!" I yelled when I ran to him. I was honestly scared to move she was dressed in a dark hoodie with her hood pulled over her head and blue jeans. I checked to seee if he still had a pulse and was breathing and he was. I just wonder who the hell was that lady and what did she do to him...

I just sat by his side thinking and wondering what she did to him and why. So I patiently waited for him to become conscious again. So I was just sitting there for about an hour and a half until I heard him move and slowly move over.

"Hey Sleepy head get up."

_Bennett's POV_

I felt a light poke on my shoulder and someones voice mumbling some stuff. I tried opening my eyes but it had felt impossible to do. everything was bright and I could not see anything so I just kept them closed.

"Who are you?' I said with a raspy voice."

"Hey Now You Cannot Forget About Me" sounded like Dennis... "Oh god it s Dennis!" Shit did I say that out loud?

" Hey now. That's not the type of reaction I was expecting from you. A thank you Dennis for saving me from that crazy lady would be nice."

"WHAT? What happened???"

"Well I don't know I just came to check on you to see if you were still coming. I rang your door bell but no one answered. So I checked to see if it was locked but it wasn't so I came in and called your name. I heard like foot steps upstairs and went to go check to see if it was you but you were laying there unconscious and there was this lady watching you. I asked her what she did to you and why she was here but she didn't answer. I was pretty scared so I didn't go after her and ran to check on you. So I've been waiting for about an hour and a half for you to wake back up."

"THERE WAS A LADY IN MY HOUSE??? Holy shit holy shit what if she raped me...?" I looked at him really fast "SHE COULD HAVE KILLED ME! Lets leave lets leave right now!"

"Calm down she didn't do anything I left my house after a while because you took forever and I wanted to check on you so it wouldn't have gave her enough time to. She was just staring at you far away. What is the last thing you remember?"

I had to think and remember I remmeber texting him. "well i remember texting you saying I would be there soon and got done getting ready. I was reaching for the door and I can't remember what happened next."

"You were drugged dude!"

I looked at him with shock and my mouth open. "Shut. Up. I've never been drugged before. And how would she even drug me If......"

"You. Were. Drugged. Just face it you've been drugged by some creepy lady that has a crush on you or some shit."

I just couldn't stay in this house. I can't stay in this house much longer. I got my back pack and we left the house and made sure it was locked.


A/N: I'm super duper sorry that this took forever. Internet hasn't been my friend lately. But guess who's going to college????

This lady! Can't wait to drain my energy and become an adult. Anyways I'll try write more. It's easier to write than to find time to write. Love y'all ;)

A/A/N (Another Authors Note) I for reals thought I already published this but yeah I'm in college now. Feels shitty you know how you know you don't belong that's exactly how it feels but this is my semi escape because I like reading my stories and blah blah blah boring so on and so forth. But yeah. Sorry for the uber late update. I really thought I published this. Stay fabulous!!!!

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