Chapter 4

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I CANT BELIEVE HOW STUPID I AM! I knew it was true. He has a girlfriend yet it seems like he's in to me. I can't let my first crush or relationship to be someone who is going to use me or just want me around for anything. No I'm not going to let that happen I'll just try to keep my distance for a while. Than my phone vibrated.

"Hey is something wrong?" of course it would be from him.

"No I just remembered my parents are going to be home early and they expect me to be at the house."

"Well okay when should we meet again?"

"Hmm I don't know. "

"Well when you think about it call me or text which ever."

"I'll be sure to do that." That's a great way of ignoring him and distancing myself. I just have to continue to think of him using me because that it what most likely to happen. I can't really stop that from happening because I'm so stupid so I probably won't be able to distance myself but I could try my very hardest.

I was almost home and ready to be yelled at or beaten the shit out of. I'm pretty much use to it so it's not that big of a deal on my side it just feels like a continuous routine.

*Dennis's POV*

I wonder why he just up and left like that like I don't understand why he would do that after saying his parents wouldn't care. Unless he just thought of something he had to do but why would that be a big problem I don't do the thinks my parents tell me until later or when I feel like it. This is going to bother me until I know the real truth.

Instead of him picking the right time to see each other maybe I could ask him if he wanted to meet up again tomorrow.

"Hey Bennett, do you want to meet up tomorrow?"

"Hmm I don't know."

"You're not going to make me beg are you?"

"Maybe it might convince me." So he wants to play that game.

"Well okay will you please come meet up with me it'll mean the world to me."

"Tempting very tempting."

"I'll do whatever you would like."

"Okay we will meet tomorrow."

"Good see ya then." At least he didn't reject me completely so that's a plus and I could go and see him again tomorrow. He seems really awesome to be around so let us hope that this friendship will last. My phone vibrated could be him again.

"Hey bby :*" Oh my gosh I don't even know why I dated her in the first place I can't stand the thought of her but I don't want to hurt her feelings.

"Hey Beautiful." Don't get me wrong she has a body of a goddess and a face of an angle but her attitude or personality does not match her looks. She is very manipulative, jealous, closed minded, uneducated, and mean. She doesn't even know that I also like boys because she is the biggest homophobic person I have ever met. Maybe she won't like me if I tell her.

"Aww you so sweet we shuld meet up if u kno wut i mean. ;)" And this is another reason I'll tell her when we meet up she is not getting me tonight because that is a big no go.

"Okay babe but I have something to tell you too."


"What no! Why would you think that?" This is what she does she jumps to conclusion before even knowing the truth. She is so ignorant and yes Paramore that is her best friend.

"kk bby as long as ur not cheatin on meh. :*"

"Alright see ya in a bit." I just have to motivate myself to tell her but I hope everything goes good I mean I'm still the same person. I love her dearly but I just can't stand the way how she acts sometimes it grinds my gears so much. I just hope she still likes me even though I don't want her to at the same time because I would miss my baby. I better head home and change before I have to tell her the "real" me.

I hopped in to my car and went on home to see what I should wear for the occasion. I really want this to go well so I put on the cologne that she likes and a nice outfit that I had put together for any special occasion. If this goes wrong I will not know how I will live with out her, because it seems like she has always been there for me through the good and the bad. I just have to be an optimist about this because she is everything to me and I just cannot stand the thought of being without her. She has been there for me through the bad so I do not see why she would just leave me like that.

I got in to the car and went on my way to see my baby doll and show her my real colors and maybe change her perspective on homosexuals. I mean she loves me and I know it so she should accept me because this was me this whole time. I cannot stress how much courage this is going to take because this is big she would not suspect this from me. I pulled in to her driveway and got out of the car to admit what I have been hiding or not mentioning for our whole relationship.

Maybe I'm just over thinking it I'm sure everything will be fine. My mind said that but my body won't respond I could not knock on the door. My hand was stuck frozen by my sides I should just tell her I have to do something. I sprinted to my car and left as fast as I could. I don't have testicles to tell my GIRLFRIEND that I am bi I'll grow them one day. I don't understand why I told Bennett so easily and I can't even tell my girl.

Is it okay if I find Bennett attractive?? I don't know he seems pretty chill so I think it's pretty normal but I like him and I'm not afraid to admit it. Maybe to his face but not to myself I could scream it if I could while he's a thousand miles away.  I'll just tell her whenever just conveniently bring it up because I just can't make it too serious just think you're retelling your mom. I made it to my house and tried to find my mom as soon as possible. I ran to the kitchen and oh of course found a note.

Dear Son, 

Why don't you just be normal?!?!?! LOL JK you know I love you hahahahahaah I'm literally laughing while writing this note. Anyways I almost forgot why I was writing about but I'm going to be gone for the weekend don't get too hecktick or throw random parties or do drugs *usual mom nagging rants continue* L-O-V-E Love you bye see you when I come back.♥

Love, Mom

WOOOOOW my mom is such a loving person. Well maybe I'll just invite Bennette over for a nights stay.

"Hey Looser!"


"What do you say you stay at my house for the night?" 

"ANNNND do what exactly?"

"I don't really know I didn't think this through enough maybe just chill bullshit go on an adventure look for unicorns, I'm bored becuase my moms gone for the weekend and told me not to have a party."

"Why not be a rebelious teenager and throw one anyways?"

"BEEEEcause I don't wanna I wanna hang out with you because the rest of my friends suck!"

"Fiiinnnne I'll be over after I get ready."

"Okay see when you come over here!!! :D"

Now I just made a solution for the weekend, well one of the days. AT LEAST I COULD SPEND TIME WITH THE GUY I ACTUALLY LIKE *HAPPY FACE* 

"HEEEEEEYYYYYY BAAAAAABBBBBEEEEE" From sometimes annoying girfriend.


"I thought you were coming over!!! >:("

"OOHHH yeah well I'm going to have a friend over soo yeah he's kinda new I'm sure you haven't heard of him."


"Well yeah My mom kinda made me so yeah."

"Fin well tlk to yu whn ever."

"Okay bye."

My mom really didn't make me I just don't want her to bitch at me anymore. Hopefully he comes over soon.


A/N:Sorry it toook sooo long but at least its done right?? haha no? okai .-. but yeah hope you enjoyed this I'll try to be faster. Love Ya'll Stay TRue TO You!!

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