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It's about time you stop being afraid.
Let that fake laughter drown and hear the sobs clouded by hiccups.
Stop pretending, love.They don't care.
They don't care if you cry or you scream or you beg to be free.
They don't give two shits about the efforts you make.
Stop trying to act it's all good.The act is not worth the despair.
And who are you doing this for, huh?
You pretend happy, they label you insane.
You pretend strong, the label you apathetic.
You pretend pissed, they label you heartless.
Don't be afraid if they don't get your truth.I know what they say, and I know what you're trying to say too.
You say sad, they say depressed.
You say lost, they say loser.
You say hurt, they say sensitive.
They can make their own versions. Don't let yours fade away.
It's about time you tell your tale.
Tell that you're just trying too hard.
That you may seem stuck but you're striving.
That you still think about that day.
You need to keep digging the past because it drives you.
No you're not weak.
You draw your strength from your betrayal.
You draw your map from the ways you lost.
Let them know you're not fine, honey. But that you're getting there.That you're trying.
They can label you all they want.
But this is your pain.
You decide how to endure it.
You can scream and you can cry.You can fight and you can laugh.
You don't have to apologise.
You don't have to feel guilty.
If they can stand tall and hurt you,
why should you hang your head while healing their damn scars.
It's about time you tell the truth.
It's about time you say you don't want to be her.
Don't want to earn as much as him.
That is not what your heart yearns.
You just want to be set free.
And it's about time you cried out loud.
Don't hush your cries.Don't drain your cushions.
Let them see what they did.Let them know it hurts and that they're the reason.
So they think twice if not a hundred times before scarring another bird.
It's about time you ditched the emojis.
See if they get your words un-fazed.
Don't be afraid, darling.
They can't break you down.
I know their words pierce and their silence is vile.
I know their actions puncture your heart and their ignorance makes you shiver.
But they can't drown you.
You have your hands and your feet.
You know how to swim, dear.
Float if you can't stroke.
But stay.
It's about time you stopped running.
You're not getting anywhere.
You have no where to go.
This is the fight you were assigned to.
You have to win the war.
These are just battles.
Don't give up.
You don't have to prove anyone wrong.
You just have to prove yourself right.

And it's about time I tell the truth.
It stings in the shower.
And the sad part is you know exactly what I'm talking about.

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