Different Sense: 15

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By now Gandalf had completely lost himself in his thoughts, and was staring off into the distance. Thorin frowned, he knew what the wizard was implying. He would have retorted to his words, but Thorin thought better of it. Gandalf's light smile soon disappeared and a frown replaced it.

“There is something you must now, though. The answers to which I was seeking in Eryn Vorn are here too. You remember the map and you know where to go?” Thorin nodded slowly but hesitantly, he had a feeling he wasn't going to like where Gandalf's sentence was leading to. “The White Council meet in two night's time.”

“You mean to stay while we go?” Thorin asked abruptly. He didn't like the feeling of continuing on without the wizard.

“Yes I do. It gives us an advantage, for you are right, Thorin. They will try and stop you. But, they may also believe that you will not venture on without me. So with that in mind-”

“We should go without you.”

Gandalf winked and nodded. Thorin's anxiety may have grown, but if he had no choice, then he'd do it. It made sense, but he still did not like the idea of leaving without their wizard. Gandalf was a very useful comrade to have. But if they were to venture on, then they would.

Thorin stood, “We shall await for you in the Misty Mountains.”

“Be careful and keep your wits about you over those mountains, Thorin.” There had been stories for years about the mountains. Thorin looked thoughtful for a few moments before excusing himself and leaving the room.


Bilbo had spent the majority of the day wandering around Rivendell. He was still in awe. He had to admit it, Eryn Vorn was extremely interesting. Just not when there was immediate danger in front of them.

Roaming through the lush gardens and the marble paths, Bilbo glanced at the clear water. He walked slowly over and knelt down. Reaching down he cupped the water in his hands, slowly he splashed it on his face.

The inhabitants of this magical place were equally as magical. The elves were tall, slim and graceful in their movements. Bilbo often found himself staring at them in admiration.

The day had slowly dwindled on and Bilbo soon found himself stuck with nothing else to do, other than sit and look out at his surroundings. The sky had darkened quite drastically since he last looked up at the sky. The stars were slowly beginning to shine out from the darkness of the sky.

Hearing a low hum, Bilbo's ears perked up. Tilting his head he looked around confused. Standing up he slowly allowed his feet to lead him along the path. The white marble stone petered off and a grassy clearing replaced it.

Quickly darting to the side he hid behind a pillar. Sitting cross legged on the grass was Lothiriel, she was humming lowly. But between the quiet sounds there were words spoken. It was a language Bilbo did not understand. Despite not understanding it, even he was filled with sudden sadness. The sad song which Lothiriel was seemingly singing with her eyes shut was beautiful in an ethereal way. It was also magical, and this just heightened due to the fact that the animals which inhabited this small patch had come out of their hiding places and sat near her.

So this was the natural – or unnatural – ability which dwelt within Forest Nymphs. Sure other species had other abilities, those who lived alongside water happened to walk on the surface. They could control one of the most destructive elements in Middle-Earth as if it were nothing.

There was a rustle in the bush which made her eyes snap open, crossing her eyes she looked at a butterfly which had taken to clinging to a lock of hair which had got loose from her plait. The hair draped over her nose and the butterfly was happily fluttering its wings open and shut, while sitting nearly on the end of her nose.

Lifting her hand up she watched as the butterfly latched onto her finger. Lothiriel gave a smile, she flinched when a bird hopped up her other arm. Being soon swamped in small animals of all sorts, Lothiriel sat with a bemused look on her face. Regardless of her slight confusion, she still sat smiling lightly.

Bilbo blinked slowly yet turned away perhaps one of the happiest Hobbits in the whole of Middle-Earth. He had just witnessed the natural ability which Lothiriel's kind had with nature. It was something which most people naturally didn't see due to the scarce numbers of her kin.

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