Different Sense: 49

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Bilbo had been caught in a rather animated talk with Thorin, most of these talks revolved around what he was to do with the Lonely Mountain and how he was going to split the gold. Then of course what he was going to use the gold to buy and fix things for the people of Lake Town. It was clear that Thorin was disheartened a little with the thought of melting down the beautiful golden ornaments but there wasn’t much he could do about that.

Bard had kept joking about him and his future Queen rebuilding Lake Town. Whereas he joked about this, Thorin had looked rather serious about the whole matter. Perhaps more so on the future Queen comment.

Bilbo had noticed the oncoming nymphs first. Thorin was standing in front of him with his back to the door. Lothiriel, Bilbo had to blink loads of times for she looked completely different, placed a finger to her lips to signal silence.

Bilbo nodded quickly and set his eyes back on Thorin, who looked at him oddly. Regardless Thorin picked up talking again. By this time Lothiriel was standing behind him nodding along, Bilbo suppressed a smile, it really did look like she was involved in the conversation.

“Oh!” She exclaimed, Thorin gave a flinch and turned slightly. Even he double took her appearance. Her blond hair wasn’t plaited and cascaded over her shoulders, the blue dress she wore fitted her perfectly, if not a little long, and the silver coloured band which she wore around her head picked up the colour of her eyes.

“Yes, see, you’re going to have to slightly change those plans however; I am deeply sorry to say this.” Lothiriel shook her head sadly. “It is all well and good you dwarves having all the responsibilities, but seriously, would you like some help?” She looked up at Thorin, he just looked at her blankly. “Hello? Thorin? Anyone in there?” She waved her hand in front of his eyes, giving a shrug she smiled at Bilbo. “Would you care for a walk, Bilbo?”

“Well,” the hobbit started to reply, he didn’t say anything else because Thorin shot him a look. “Perhaps later?” Bilbo answered awkwardly. Lothiriel laughed and linked her arms with both males. Walking slowly they walked towards one of the many tables which had food laid out on it.

Lothiriel detached from them and walked to where Gandalf was, upon seeing her he turned and smiled. “All’s well, hm?”

Lothiriel smiled and reached up to wrap her arms around him. Because of her height Gandalf just ended up leaning down to her level. Stepping back Lothiriel smiled, “I thank you, for finding me. For if you didn’t then I’d surely still be on the run, and…I would never have been able to restore my kind.”

“I have faith that you would have found a way.”

“Well…I’m not sure about that…” Lothiriel said slowly and thoughtfully. “It feels odd. My father told me my day would come, but I never thought it would come like this.”

“All great leaders get caught unawares sometimes.”

“Great?” Lothiriel raised an eyebrow up at him. “I do not think I’ll be great…perhaps I could be good?”

Gandalf laughed, Lothiriel grinned. “My dear Lothiriel, you are more like your father than you realise. He was uncertain too, and then look at how great he was.”

“Hm, I hope I inherited his skills then.” Lothiriel smiled and turned away, walking quickly she sat down in the spare seat which Balin was sitting in. Noticing her seat thieving moment Thorin smiled and looked at her.

“You are to stay.”

“You’ll have a hard time getting rid of me.”

Thorin leant close, “It wasn’t a question.” He whispered, Lothiriel smiled and leant forwards so her forehead rested against his.


That evening was so long, but fun. Bilbo had stayed for another few days, the elves by this time had parted and left to return back to their home. He walked around Erebor, on the few occasions he had listened in to the discussions between Bard and Thorin. They were both trying to figure out how they were going to rebuild Erebor and Lake Town. The Arkenstone was safely tucked away in Thorin’s possession, Bilbo didn’t know the precise location of it, but then he didn’t need to know.

“Bilbo!” Lothiriel appeared running up to him. She was back to living in a shirt and trousers. She had rolled the sleeves up on her shirt, for once she was not wearing her gloves. Bilbo smiled as he looked at his friend, she looked well. This was perhaps the most well he’s seen her since the beginning of the quest.

“Lothiriel,” Bilbo tottered backwards a few steps when Lothiriel had thrown her arms around him. Jumping back her bare feet landed back against the ground with a quiet thud. “Why are you looking at me like that?” He asked, Lothiriel was smiling widely at him.

“I am happy, would you like to go for a walk?” Lothiriel gestured to the path they were currently standing on. “I have to admit the thought of walking and not getting attacked in the process is a very pleasing one.” She smiled honestly.

So off they went, they walked slowly enjoying the surroundings and the lack of worry which previously hung over them. They stopped by the lake, Lothiriel crouched down and cupped her hands to look at the clear liquid. Bilbo sat down beside her and stretched his legs out, he leant back on his hands and looked up at the sky.

Lothiriel leant back on her hands like him, glancing quickly at her Bilbo raised an eyebrow. “May I ask you something?”


“Is the reason you’re grinning so much based on a certain dwarf?”

“Perhaps,” she looked at him, her grin slipped and she just sat humbly smiling at the water. “The end came, and what comes after the end seems to be happening too.” Lothiriel stood and held a hand out to him, Bilbo reached up and got tugged to stand. Linking her arm with his the two shuffled away from the lake and walked amongst the trees of the forest. Bilbo was very reluctant to go too far, but his reluctance got pushed to the side when a few nymphs darted about.

“You’ve set up residence out here?”

“Well…” She started to answer. “Yes and no. You see, well…hm,” Lothiriel scratched her head. Bilbo just looked at her interestedly. “Some people don’t want to live in the same space as the dwarves.” She whispered sadly. “Don’t ask why because I don’t wholly know. I think they think that if they live with them, they’ll lose touch with themselves, and of their roots and all of that.” Lothiriel explained in a very confused tone. Shrugging she gave a smile. “I must respect their decision, some want to dwell in the wild, some don’t mind living in the same place as the dwarves, that’s fine by me.”

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