Different Sense: 37

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The day went by rather quickly after Lothiriel and Thorin's conversation. The two spent most of the day in each other’s company; more like Lothiriel didn't want to leave his company. He was safety to her, the knowing of what was to come was making her nervous, and knowing she was to meet Eruheran and her closest kin – minus her real family however – was playing heavily on her mind. Thorin and his seemingly never ending confidence seemed to make her feel better.

Everyone was seated in their places again when Gandalf appeared, he managed to squeeze in between Balin and Thorin. It was clear that if he dared to part the nymph and the dwarf, things would not end well.

“Silence please, if you don't mind.” Gandalf said in a very business-like tone. Dinner had long since been demolished, but there were still traces of it on the table. Empty plates and cups sat idly.

“I realize that what I am to say should involve everyone, not just Thorin and I.” He paused to fidget. “The next days which appear before us are going to be the hardest of them all. We cannot delay, I apologise for any inconveniences for the towns folk really do not want us here any longer than need be.” Gandalf's expression darkened from telling the blatant truth. The truth didn't help quell angry outbursts, but it did help anxiety to grow. Lothiriel was breathing rather shakily, but she looked down when Thorin's hand had encased hers tightly.

“The Town Master, I fear that he will not support you in your claim to Erebor, Thorin.” Gandalf continued, Thorin frowned, Lothiriel had pretty much said an identical statement earlier on.

“I do not need his support. It was our mountain from the start, and it was standing fifty years before Lake Town even existed! That man can keep his thoughts and words to himself, and he'll just have to live with it. I am not asking him to bow to me, and he certainly needn't worry for I have no intention of having anything to do with him.”

“You may need him.”

“Why would we need him?”

“In my search I have come across a great deal back at Rivendell.” His eyes glanced over them all, his expression was a grim one. “An army of Orcs and Goblins are approaching the Mountain, for the gold or for your death, Thorin. I don't know which, all I know is that we have six days.”

Thorin placed his head in his hands. “Six days? Thirteen dwarves, one wizard, a hobbit and a nymph against how many?”

“Hundreds perhaps thousands. I am not sure of their numbers. That is why we may need the Town Master.”

“I will try to talk to the man, and we shall see if we can reach an agreement.” Thorin said while sitting up.

Gandalf looked at him blandly. “It may include your gold.” His tone was of a cautious one.

“I am very much aware of that.” Thorin said, his words caused an uproar of ruckus comments to be shouted about. Each and every dwarf was trying to defend their share, Dwalin was defending his share with such aggression that Lothiriel actual feared him slightly. 

“You all worry about your gold as if all of your lives depend on it!” Thorin exclaimed while throwing his arms in the air and standing up, slamming his hands on the table in front of them. His actions cut off all the comments. It was clear that the topic of gold was a topic which would naturally cause such a reaction to happen.

“Have you all forgotten what gold did to my father and to my grandfather?! Perhaps you should all hand over your gold to this Town Master, if you did maybe you'd be spared in sharing their fate. But then again, maybe you should all keep your shares if that is the way you all truly wish to go!” Thorin's anger was slowly subsiding, once he had finished venting he sat back down. Lothiriel reached out tentatively and placed her hand over his, if he could stop her nerves and be there for her, then she would do the same; although minus the nerves right now.

“I shall arrange a meeting with the Town Master as soon as possible; perhaps I can speak with him tonight. We shall leave in the morning,” he sighed heavily. “If it so pleases him, he can have my share. I for one, do not want that shared fate.” The last of his words caused a silence to seep through the room. Although his tone now was calmer, it also held a lonely and sad hint within it. His unselfish act surely sparked something within everyone else.

“Gandalf, will you accompany me to see the Town Master? I fear that my words may turn sour, and I will need someone there to speak for me if this happens.” Thorin rose from his seat.

“You should all get some rest, the morning shall bring little comfort and the day shall be long.” Gandalf said while rising from his seat too.

Everyone left, listening to Gandalf's words. But Bilbo and Lothiriel remained. Realisation had sunk in, a part of her was deeply grateful of Faelon and Eruheran's messages. She gave a shudder, she knew nothing of orcs, goblins yes for she already unwillingly encountered them.

“I was hoping for another lay in.” Bilbo said simply.

“I think we all were.”

“I don't think you were.”

“Are you implying something my dear hobbit?” Lothiriel asked.

Bilbo looked flustered and shook her head. “I merely meant...well, let me see-”

“Bilbo! I was joking, I know; I do not sleep very well.” Lothiriel smiled kindly. “Bilbo, may I ask something?”

“It's not to become your official advisor again is it?”

“No!” She laughed and looked at him. “Do you ever wish this adventure was easier? It's something I dearly wish for, but it is rather impossible.”

“I know what you mean.” Bilbo said honestly. “I have to admit, the last thing I expected was a battle. I always assumed that that would be the end after Smaug had been defeated.” Bilbo said nervously while twiddling his thumbs.

“We'll be fine. We have made it this far, I’m sure we can make it through the last parts of this adventure.”

“But what if we don't?”

“We will, because I believe we will.” Lothiriel's smile softened.

They both jumped as Thorin and Gandalf reappeared. “Elves! I cannot believe you are making me agree to that!”

“Thorin, you do not have a choice. You have the Town Master only just on your side. This is only through the means of promising gold. But you know, you know deep within that the inhabitants will not be enough.”

“I promised gold to him, I’ll give him that. But I will also give him hell if he should abandon us and go back on this agreement. And I have to be honest, you know that is a huge possibility.”

“Well, I think we both have to have some faith. I met Thranduil on my way here, he has forgiven you for your offences-”

“My what?!

Your offences, and he has agreed to come to your aid, should you need it and if it means peace.”

Thorin said nothing else but stalked away. He walked past them all, Bilbo and Lothiriel looked at each other and then to the retreating angered dwarf, then to the wizard.

Gandalf gave a sigh. “That dwarf really is remarkable.” With this said he walked off and left them two in the room by themselves.

“Good night, Bilbo,” Lothiriel stood alongside him. Reaching out she loosely held him, “See you bright and early.” He said a quiet good night in return and then they went on their separate ways.

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