Different Sense: 50

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(A/N: I'm sad to say that there's only three chapters left after this one. That is sad. I hate finishing stories, it's such a sad affair. Buuuuut, can I just say; I may be scheming a wee little Bilbo story? His cuteness....must be written!!!!!! >:D)


They both walked and talked until the sun started to dip in the sky. It was relatively quiet until Lothiriel laughed.

“Don’t laugh!” Bilbo said a little flustered, so much for admitting the truth to her. Out of all people, he didn’t think Lothiriel would laugh at him.

“Bilbo, you can visit, and I’m sure we can visit you in return! I really like Hobbiton, I’d dearly like to see it again. Your home is very cute, and cosy. I’d like to see it when it’s not inhabited by busying dwarves.” She wrapped her arms around her legs which she had pulled to her chest. Smiling she winked at Bilbo. He slowly smiled in return, he hadn’t thought of that. Trust Lothiriel to say the obvious.

“While visiting I can also maybe visit Eryn Vorn. I would like to see what’s become of it. That and I would like to visit my parent’s graves.” Lothiriel’s smile turned to a slightly sad one.

“We’ll have to send letters.” Bilbo said bringing the topic back to a possible happy one.

Lothiriel’s eyes flicked up to him. “Definitely! I’ll definitely send some in return, I’m sure I can force Thorin or someone else to spare a few minutes to write one too.”

Bilbo laughed and wagged a finger in her direction. Settling back against the tree he was leaning against he smiled. “Giving orders to Thorin? That I’d dearly like to see.”

Lothiriel leant forwards, she placed her hands on the ground and looked at him with wide eyes. “Stay then, please?”

Bilbo’s cheery disposition dwindled and he looked at her sadly. “Lothiriel…”

She gave a small smile. “I know, Bilbo, believe me I do. You have missed your home so desperately, I can understand you want to return back to your cosy little home. As I’ve said; we’ll visit and send letters! We’ll be in constant contact.” She grinned and held out her hand. “Promise?”

Bilbo reached out and slipped his hand in hers. “Promise.”


Thorin sat deep in thought on his mountain, from his vantage point he could see nearly everything. He could see Lake Town, which was still in the process of getting rebuilt. Mirkwood stood in the distance, it still looked like a dark and foreboding place.

Hearing scuffling and the sounds of crumbling rock, Thorin looked around a little confused. He was on one of the highest peaks of the mountain, not many people were that experienced with climbing this high, and on sheer rock face.

Thorin watched as fingers wriggled into view, they pushed loose rock aside, which then tumbled down from being disturbed. Amber eyes peeked up and looked around before looking and landing on him.

Lothiriel’s head popped up from the rock. “Oh…is this like your little thinking spot? Have I just disturbed some deep thinking? Sorry! I’ll go…I think I can go, can I?” Lothiriel looked over her shoulder and let out a thoughtful noise. “Perhaps I need to come up then go back down?” Thorin couldn’t help but smile and shake his head from Lothiriel’s one way thoughtful conversation.

“Why don’t you just come up?”

“Hm?” She turned and looked at him. “Well you looked quite deep in thought, I didn’t know you wanted company.”

“I’m sure I can make an exception.” Thorin stood and walked slowly to the cliff face. Reaching down he easily held onto the tops of her arms and pulled her up. She looked down, being held up gave her a sense of weightlessness. She actually found that she didn’t like it and she was very thankful for when her feet touched solid ground.

“What are you doing?” Thorin asked while walking back to his seat.

Lothiriel looked around, “I’m exploring.” She explained while running forwards and jumping up to latch onto the rock face again. Thorin turned and looked over his shoulder as she commenced climbing.



“You shouldn’t go to high up. It becomes very hard to breathe.” Thorin explained while setting his gaze back on the landscape in front of him. There was whispered curses and crumbling sounds before Lothiriel landed in a crouch near him. She tilted her head to the side and moved closer to him.

“Are you all right?” She asked from her crouched position, she reached up and placed her hands against his knee.

“It is strange.” Thorin answered slowly, he looked down at her. Lothiriel blinked slowly and looked up at him. Extending his hand he placed it against her cheek, Lothiriel smiled and jumped up to sit beside him. His hand fell from this action but it got swiftly clutched onto by Lothiriel’s smaller ones.

“I spent so long thinking of this moment, and now it’s here.”

“Feels surreal, yes?”

“Very.” Thorin answered simply, Lothiriel gave another smile and fidgeted. She fidgeted several more times before he frowned lightly at her. “What’s wrong?”

“I like exploring, and I enjoyed climbing. But really, this is not a comfortable seat. Can we perhaps venture down? I’ve still not had a tour of the famed grand halls which are within Erebor!” Lothiriel looked at him excitedly. Thorin smiled slowly and nodded, clapping her hands together Lothiriel walked quickly to the cliff face and began musing about how to get down again.

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