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A man & his sister went to perform Hajj. One day he & his sister were rushing to pray, they were passing through a market & he wanted to stop to buy a gift for his wife. His sister said one word which was not blatantly rude but it put him off buying it for his wife, possibly something along the lines of: 'She doesn't need it/there's no point' etc.

His wife who was at home dreamt that her sister-in-law came to her in her dream & gave her a present... that gift was Hajj. She went to a Sheikh & told him her husband & his sister had gone to Saudi to perform Hajj & she informed him of her dream. He said that her sister-in-law must've spoken badly about her, which is why she got the value of her Hajj (if you back bite about someone, you give them your good deeds). Upon the return of the two, the woman asked her sister-in-law if she had spoken about her & she told her she said one bad word. After hearing about what the Sheikh said she was devastated, she made tawbah & apologised to the woman.

SubhaanAllaah, this was just one word - we can speak hours on end about someone! Imagine if our Ramadaan, our prayers, our 'ibaadah weren't accepted because we were talking about others... May Allaah allow us to guard our tongues.

The Messenger of Allaah ﷺ said, "During the Mi'raaj (the Night of Ascension - the journey to the Heavens), I saw a group of people who were scratching their chests & faces with their copper nails. I asked, 'Who are these people, O Jibreel?' Jibreel replied: 'These are the people who ate flesh of others (by backbiting) and attacked people's honour."' [Abu Dawood]

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