Chapter one

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*we don't own the gifs*

Edith sat in the library, flipping through the all too familiar pages of her last novel 'Crimson Peak'.
These were all she had left of Thomas everything else was at that house.
After that night she left with Alan and had never been back since.

Just weeks after she left the sickness started. She would wake up and barely be able to make it out of bed before she would throw up, that's when 'Doctor Alan McMichael' stepped in and examined her. She didn't want him to but she couldn't exactly say no after everything she had put him through.
The day her test results came back she decided that she was never going to speak of Crimson peak ever again for her child's sake.

After she found out she was pregnant, Alan decided to move in with Edith to keep an eye on her. He also said he wanted to make sure the child had a father around considering what actually happened to its father. Edith politely agreed even though this is far from what she wanted.

Edith couldn't help but think what would Thomas think if he knew she was going to have his child, but every time she thought about it all she could think about was what he was doing with Lucille the night he died and she hastily tried to forget... But there was no forgetting. Not even she could forget the events of that night.

When she finished writing 'Crimson Peak' she quickly put it in the far end of the library in hopes that nobody would look to read it. Only she knew where to look when she wanted memory of the Sharpes, even Lucille.

Sighing Edith put the book back in its normal spot and headed out of the room. 19 years later and she was still caught up thinking about Thomas and wondering if things could have been different if she had just made him stay with Eunice. Edith pushed her long blonde hair off her shoulder and pushed open her daughters bedroom door.

Peering in Edith could see Jessamine Cushing-Sharpe lying in bed with a book that Alan gave to her for her 18th birthday. She looked exactly like Edith except she had Thomas' eyes, the kind that could peer into your soul when they were concerned about you.

"Mother," Jessamine whispered just loud enough for Edith to hear.

"Yes Jessie," she replied walking over to her and sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Do you think I will love the boy that Alan is introducing me to tomorrow?" she asked eyes wide.

"Well love is a powerful thing Jessie, it makes monsters of us all... But you don't have to see this young gentleman tomorrow if you don't want to I can postpone it," Edith replied trying to sound positive but knowing that Alan wasn't choosing to do any of the right things. Despite Edith living with him she had a separate bedroom from him and didn't interact with him very often other than the odd 'hello-goodbye-how was your day' which was never much.

Alan insisted that they act like a couple in public for Jessamines sake as being a single mother was shameful. As Edith thought about it a part of herself wanted to tell Jessamine everything about The Sharpe's and Allerdale hall but there was always something stopping her.

"No mom it's okay I will see him. I am just not sure about what we will talk about, will we have the same interests, I'm just nervous."

"There no need to be nervous darling, just try and get some rest and I will talk to you in the morning. Goodnight." Edith whispered trying to comfort Jessamine then walking out of the room going back to her own room and settling down in the bed.

Edith knew what Alan was wanting for Jessamine and was angry that he didn't think she was capable of making her own decisions. Edith didn't want to say anything to upset Alan but she didn't want him making decisions for someone that isn't his daughter. In light of that Edith decided that it would be a good idea if she went to talk to him to ask him why he was trying to do what he was doing.

Walking down the hallway and down the stairs to the main floor that Alan's office is on Edith felt a sense of nervousness and dread. She finally ended up at the big door that leads into the office. Giving a sharp knock on the door she walked in without any other warning.

Alan was sitting behind a large oak desk with three neat piles of different patient files in front of him. "Alan," Edith coughed, straight after he looked up at Edith pushing his slicked back blonde hair back into place.

"Edith what a lovely suprise, care to sit?" he drawls motioning to the chair.

"Unfortunately Alan I'm here to discuss what you are trying to set my daughter up for."

"If you mean I'm trying to make her happy and set up a good future for her then I think I'm doing a pretty good job," he smiled.

"Well I know you think you are doing good by setting up a courtship but I would prefer for my daughter to be able to find love on her own."

"Edith I know you don't want me doing this but I'm doing it for Jessamine she deserves happiness." Alan said and each word felt like a slap in the face to Edith.

"Alan you aren't her father but I am her mother and I know when my daughter is happy. I know enough about love to say that it best to find it yourself." Edith said taking a few steps forward.

"Edith you got yourself into a situation where you could have died. Are you saying that's for love? I don't think people who love others try to kill them it was all a sham a big hoax so they could get your money, it wasn't real Edith I thought you figured that out by now," he said calmly as if he had been rehearsing it for years.

"Last time I checked Alan you have been living in the same house as me and have never been in love with anyone. It wasn't a hoax or a sham Thomas loved me, and I him. Lucille was the one who despised me. So I would like it if you didn't bad mouth one of the the only people I have ever loved in my own home thank you very much, not to mention I own this house so I could quite frankly make you go and live with your sister downtown." Edith seethed.

"I am going to guess that you are just in denial but you will see I am just doing this for your daughters happiness. Now if you will excuse me I have to continue with my work," before Alan could say anything else Edith was already out of the door and on the way back upstairs.

She flung herself onto the bed and cried as that last conversation and brought up the memories of Thomas confessing his love Only to be killed minutes later. Her mind was racing as she fell asleep.

"'And then she saw him coming at her, and she tried to scream. Thomas held out his hands in a gesture of innocence, surrender.
"Edith, wait!" he cried.
She only hesitated because she was too wobbly to move.
"You cannot take the steps," he said. "You have to use the elevator. Come with me."
Mutely she raised her pen, her weapon. His face blurred.
"You lied to me!" She flung at him.
"I did," he confessed, holding open his arms.
"You poisoned me!"
"I did."
"You said you loved me!"
"I do." His face snapped into a sharp focus and she saw the truth: He did love her. He had, and loved her still."'

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