Chapter thirteen

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Elijah didn't know how to feel, Jessamine had just witnessed one of the only things that he had to keep secrets other than his father.

He loved Jessamine but he couldn't help but feel betrayed and angry she had looked through the door to watch Will and Harry. He didn't even know how she had found this room considering she had been waiting in the tea room.

He looked at Jessamine who seemed to have had all the colour drawn out of her face and she looked almost scared.
"Jessamine.." He breathed unable to do anything else.

"I'm so sorry Elijah I didn't mean to, there was a man who looked sick so I followed him then he disappeared but I thought I heard you from up here so I came to have a look" Jessamine started rambling turning bright red and looking at her hands which seemed to be fiddling together.

"It's okay I suppose this wasn't something I could keep from you" Elijah sighed knowing the truth was going to come out soon enough. "How about we go downstairs instead of standing outside of my brothers door" he stated many emotions clouding his voice, Jessamine just nodded and started following him back to the front room.

When they reached the front room Elijah motioned for Jessamine to sit, after she sat down Elijah quickly followed sitting opposite her. The room was silent for a few minutes before anyone said anything.

"I'm sorry about before Elijah I shouldn't have went upstairs at all it was completely my own fault" Jessamine mumbled looking at her hands.

"It doesn't matter now Jessamine I should have told you. I just love my brother and didn't want to see him get hurt because of people judging him. My mother also told me not to tell anyone because she thinks there is something wrong with it" he sighed.

"I would never judge Will for anything he is your brother" Jessamine exclaimed.

"Well that's good to know. I was just worried about how you would react if I told you, it was selfish really" he said running his hand through his hair, a nervous habit he had grown into.

"It wasn't selfish you were just trying to protect your brother, but I want you to promise me something for us to work" she tried to say sounding confident.

"Of course what is it, anything" he said sounding frantic, his hazel eyes wide.

"You have to promise me that you won't keep secrets from me Elijah" she said looking straight in his eyes.

"Of course I won't no more secrets, I promise" the panic evaded from his voice. Elijah rose to a stand before speaking again. "Well I was going to come and visit you at home and invite you to accompany me to the city hall but seeing as you are here now, may I have the honour of you coming with me" he asked hopeful.

"It would be my pleasure Elijah" Jessamine said standing up and smoothing out her skirts and taking his arm.

Elijah led Jessamine out of the room and outside of the house where the sounds of everyone was very prominent. The hustle and bustle of the people on the streets always fascinated Elijah. Before long the carriage stopped outside of the house and he helped Jessamine in before getting in himself. He looked at her in complete admiration there was just something about her that drew him in, from the first time he saw her when she was talking to Alan about him. She quickly drew him out of his thoughts with a question.

"So what are we doing going to the city hall?"

"Well that you are going to have to wait and see" he said chuckling he could almost see her pouting at his response.

"That's not fair" Elijah laughed again.

"We are almost there you may want to refrain from being upset" said Elijah fake pouting which made them both burst out in laughter. This was what Elijah loved about Jessamine he could goof around and be himself and she didn't think of it to be strange or odd.

The carriage was bumping along the cobblestones when it finally pulled to a stop. Elijah got out first then proceeded to help Jessamine get down. Elijah knew that he had to pull off what he was about to do. He knew that I she declined him his heart would be broken, so he fully hoped that she felt the same way he did about her.

"Are you going to tell me why we are here yet?" Jessamine questioned looking up at the grand building standing before her.

"No not yet" he replied taking her arm.

"Well for whatever absurd reason you have for this I bet I will be extremely happy with whatever it is" she breathed.

"I hope so" Elijah muttered quiet enough so only he heard. They started walking up the steps to the the big stone building in front of them. Elijah opened the door and led Jessamine inside.

Jessamine gasped the staircase had been decorated with lots of little candles and her favourite flowers. Elijah led her further into the building which was the grand ballroom. The chandelier was turned on and it cast a beautiful light over the room. The piano had been left on the other side of the room with a candelabra and some rose petals scattered around it. The place was beautiful and they were all alone.

"Is this for me?" Jessamine breathed staring in awe at the entire room.

"Yes it is I hope it's not too much" Elijah stammered.

"No Elijah it is perfect" she managed to whisper.

Getting down on one knee Elijah pulled out a blue velvet box and when he opened it, it was covered in red silk but what made Jessamine gasp was the big sapphire ring embedded amongst the silk. "It's been a long time since I have ever been able to have fun with someone and just be myself and with you I can be that. I know I have made some mistakes and but I can learn to grow from them if you will let me." He breathed looking directly at her. "You can have my name. Marry me. Marry me, Jessamine. And be Jessamine Blackwood, or be Jessamine Cushing-Sharpe It doesn't matter what you wish to call yourself, but marry me and stay with me, I couldn't bear to live another day without being able to call you mine. From the first moment I met you I fell for you, I love you Jessamine Cushing-Sharpe you are perfect everything about you is perfect. I have never wanted anything else more in my life" he spoke carefully. "All I can hope is you feel the same way about me as I do you" he said holding out the box to her.

Jessamine was awestruck everything about this moment was perfect it was a moment she wanted to live in forever. The words in her head were all muddled as everything he had said turned her brain into overdrive she wanted to say so much back but could only muster a few words. "I love you Elijah Alec Blackwood and I always will of course I will marry you, I do" the moment the words left her mouth he was swift to take the ring out of the box and gently place it upon her hand.

Elijah stood up to face her knowing that in this moment nothing else mattered apart from the two of them. Leaning in he kissed her, it wasn't fast or frenzied it was tender and passionate as if he could only try to show her how much she meant to him this way, like all words were unnecessary in this moment. They stayed like this for a little while longer before they pulled away.

"I do have one more thing that I have been keeping from you but I was waiting to tell you after I proposed" he said with such a joy in his expression that Jessamine could only nod. "I have been able to buy a manor 'Allerdale Hall' to renovate this is why I was out before, I was out with my friend Jonathan finalising the details about it. This has been my dream for such a long time and I want to be able to share it with you, it's in England which means you would have to leave your mother and Alan behind but I thought that when we are there we could start our own small family there obviously this will be after we have married but if only you would do me the honour of joining me"

"Of course I will Elijah. I will have to inform my mother and Alan but they will be fine with it, they have always encouraged me to follow my heart." Elijah bent down to kiss her again, he thought that this moment was perfect and he wouldn't change anything about it.

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