Spirit Runners Questions

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What is Spirit Runners about?

Now Spirit Runners is about a guy who starts out just ordinary, and then one day, discovers that he is a member of a family that all have the ability to access an energy network known as the Spirit Matrix. And the whole series is about the war between the various families that can use the Spirit Matrix, and the people who can manipulate this energy in a special way. So basically, that’s what it’s about, the war between the various spirit families, with the Spirit Runners being the family that we will be following in the story.

What are your favourite characters in Spirit Runners?

I haven’t really developed the characters that well in Spirit Runners yet, but so far, I actually do have a favourite character that I’ve developed so far, which is the mentor. Honestly, I always love mentor characters in any series, because they’re often the most fun characters. Like, in The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, the mentor of the actual sorcerer is so much fun, and so many other series have that same thing, where the mentor characters are so much fun, and I think that really my favourite character is the mentor character, because I am enjoying just coming up with the story ideas for him, because he is fun to come up with story ideas for.

What is the world like in Spirit Runners?

Well, Spirit Runners is set in the 21st century. I’ve decided to set it in America, with it starting in New York, and really, it’s going to stay within the industrial areas of America, the really big ones, Chicago, Hollywood, and other such areas, you know, the really big city areas. So really, the whole world, the whole story is conflicted with that whole war with the various families; the whole world is affected by it. And I might not just stay in America, I might go to other countries, but I will be sticking to the industrial areas, so you are going to have the whole high crime levels and the very gritty sort of worlds, because it’s going to be set in big cities and such.

Are there any events in Spirit Runners that you’re excited about?

Well, really, I am enjoying the whole introduction of the mentor character, getting to introduce the world, and I really like how I’m developing the war between the Spirit Runners and the other families. So really, that’s the event I’m ultimately most looking forward to, is the final battle between all the families.

When are you planning on writing Spirit Runners?

Really, Spirit Runners is probably going to be after I finish writing My Adventures. I really think it’s going to be one of the later productions, because My Adventures is going to be the one I have the most for, while Crossover Sagas will take a while to get a team together, so it will take a long time before that’s developed. But Spirit Runners I will probably write after My Adventures, probably. No guarantees on that one.

(After the My Adventures series has ended, or after the first book has ended?)

Eh, first, second, or third. It’s going to be written as one novel. It’s not going to be a series; it’s going to be a single novel. So it will probably be written at the end of that series, or in the middle of it, one or the other.

How long would you want Spirit Runners to be? (Specify the number of pages, chapters, and books if you’re planning on making it a series.)

Spirit Runners is going to be a single novel, on its own; I would hope 400 or 500 A5 pages. It’s just going to be a single novel on its own; it’s going to be very short. And I think another author did a very similar thing, who wrote a series and then wrote a single novel, and that was about the length of his book. So I think I could get the story done in that time. I don’t really ever put on a chapter number onto a novel; I always go with a number of pages. Or a number of words; well, I don’t really go for a number of words either, because you know, it depends on size of font and such.

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