Chapter Seven

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Hey there lovely readers! Just wanted to say thankyouthankyouthankyou for reading and all that. 901 reads so far... it's kind of unbelievable. Thanks for the votes and comments as well. Her'es chapter seven, I hope you'll like it!


The ride to the crime scene was a short one. Sherlock had been quite accurate when he told Lestrade he would see him in fifteen minutes. When the cab stopped both men got out and John began looking around at his surroundings. They were in a part of town he'd never been to before. All he could see were old brick buildings and an abandoned warehouse. There were a few police cars and other emergency vehicles parked outside one of the buildings, and a small crowd of people had gathered. Sherlock paid the cabbie, then stood next to John.

"You ready?" He asked, staring straight ahead. John just nodded. He was pretty sure Sherlock had been talking to himself anyway from the soft tone of his voice. This was the first case he'd taken since the one he couldn’t figure out. John knew he must've been nervous. They began walking, and when they reached the yellow police tape Sherlock held it up for John, as he usually did. Nobody tried to stop them or question them, which was strange. John guessed Lestrade had informed everyone that they were coming.

John stood near the entrance and waited while Sherlock talked with one of the officers outside. His eyes scanned the crowd of people, and landed on a young woman with her head in her hands. Her shoulders were shaking and someone had an arm wrapped around her shoulders. He looked away from the crying woman to see Sherlock walking over to him. He greeted him with a smile, then gestured toward the open door with his hand.

"Shall we?"

John's mouth stretched into a tight-lipped smile and he nodded. Sherlock went in first, and John followed closely behind.

"The officer says they're upstairs," Sherlock called over his shoulder. John just kept walking, struggling to keep up with Sherlock's fast pace as they climbed the stairs. They reached the second floor and followed the familiar sound of Lestrade's voice into what John guessed was a bedroom. There were only a handful of people in the room, but since the room was so small it appeared to be awfully crowded. John and Sherlock squeezed in the door and went over to the bed, where Lestrade was standing, staring down at a figure laying beneath a white sheet. There was a spot of red in the center of the bed, and from the slightly metallic aroma in the air John knew it was the blood of the victim.

Cameras were flashing and everyone seemed to be talking at once. It was quite a busy scene. John knew it would eventually get on Sherlock's nerves, especially when he began to analyze everything and begin his deducing.  John stood back and watched Sherlock walk up to Lestrade and begin talking. He couldn't hear what they were saying due to the other conversations that were going on. John was only able to pick up bits and pieces of them all. He learned that the victim was a man who had just gotten married, and that he was supposed to be moving the next day to the house he and his wife had just purchased. John figured the crying woman he'd seen outside was the wife. Well, widow now.

John found a corner of the room that was free of people and went to it. He leaned up against the wall and watched with his arms crossed while Sherlock put on a pair of gloves and slowly pulled away the sheet.  Everyone in the room began crowding around to see, so Lestrade told them all to leave. John wasn't sure if he should stay or go, but remained still while everyone else left. Soon it was just Sherlock, Lestrade, and John alone in the room. Sherlock had pulled out his magnifying glass and was examining every single part of the body and the bed it was laying in. John still had no idea why Sherlock always brought that thing along. He wondered if it helped at all, or if he just did it to look cool.

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