Chapter Eight

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Okay, can i just say... wow! over 1,000 reads?! Thank you guys so much! And I actually have followers...3 of them! so thank you too! Here's chapter eight!


The next morning when John woke up the entire flat was silent as usual. Slowly he raised himself up from his bed and stretched, letting a yawn escape from his slightly chapped lips. He swung his feet around to the side of the bed and stood up slowly, still a bit groggy from his long slumber. John shuffled over to retrieve his robe from the wardrobe. He slipped the garment on quickly, then opened his bedroom door and headed downstairs to the kitchen.

Sherlock was nowhere to be found, but at the moment John didn't care. He was still a bit upset with him after his comment about his blog. He knew he shouldn't be so unsettled by a single remark, but for some reason he was.

After pouring himself a cup of coffee John went into the living room and sat down in his chair and tried to relax. He had yet to wake up fully, and hoped the caffeine would help. He sighed and rested his chin in his hand while he stared out the window. Every so often he would raise the mug of coffee up to his lips and take a sip. The hot beverage singed his taste buds, but he didn't care. He picked up a newspaper off of a nearby table and began flipping through the pages. Nothing really caught his eye, so he put it back down and went to go wash out his cup. After that he went to his room to find something to wear, then popped into the bathroom for a quick shower. About a half hour later John was back in his armchair, fully dressed, hair still slightly damp, a fresh cup of coffee in his hand.

John heard muffled sounds coming from behind him and turned around. Sherlock had emerged from his room, wearing a house coat and loose pants. He yawned and scratched the back of his head. His eyes landed on John and he gave him a warm smile. John just looked away and took a sip of his coffee. Sherlock stood still in the middle of the room for a bit, then slowly began making his way to the sofa.

"Are you alright John?" Sherlock asked after laying down. John didn't respond, but instead took another sip and attempted to be nonchalant. "John." He sighed.

"I'm fine Sherlock." Sherlock got up from the couch and began to walk into the kitchen, throwing John a sideways glance as he walked by. John ignored the strange feeling he got in his stomach and took another sip of his drink. Sherlock disappeared into his room, and John didn't see him again for another few hours. He spent some time browsing the web and watching TV, but soon became incredibly bored. As mad as he was, John still wished Sherlock would come out of his room. Things were never boring when Sherlock was around.

He got up and went to go wash out his cup, then returned to his chair. His eyes were fixed on the television screen, but the only thing his mind was focused on was what was behind Sherlock's bedroom door. He considered going to it and knocking, asking him to come out, but he knew that was absurd. Still, John found himself looking over in that direction more than at the TV. John felt like he was going crazy sitting in that chair, but he had no idea what to do about it. He just hoped desperately that Sherlock would return. Why, he had no idea. He had no intention of even speaking to him if he did come out, so why did it matter if he was in the living room or not?

After what felt like an eternity of hopeful glances and aggravated sighs from John, Sherlock emerged from his room and began searching for something in the kitchen. John tried not to make it so obvious that he was watching him but failed when Sherlock turned around to face him and caught him staring. He didn't say anything, just turned back around. John blinked a few times before turning his head to look at the TV, hoping Sherlock wouldn't say anything. He didn't, and continued on with his search in silence. John wondered what exactly it was he was looking for; It's not like he was eating much these days. The only times he was in the kitchen was to work on an 'experiment', but lately he hadn't been doing much of that either.

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