Chapter Thirteen

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Hey there! I'm updating a bit early! And this chapter is the longest one I've written so far. I'm sorry it's so long but I just couldn't stop writing and I wasn't sure how to break it up or how to end it sooner. The ending is still crappy but I figured it was already long enough. Thanks to Supernatural though, 'cause that's what I was watching when I wrote this, and for now my writer's block is gone. :)


John Watson had never been scared of the dark, so when he found himself hunkered down in the back seat of a 1972 Jensen Interceptor he was surprisingly calm, despite the fact that the sun was no longer in the sky, and he and Sherlock were sitting in an abandoned car outside an abandoned warehouse where Sherlock believed the stolen jewels had been stashed.

How Sherlock had managed to convince John to come along with him on his 'stakeout', he wasn't sure. However, when John actually thought about it he realized all Sherlock had done was ask him to come along, and he'd said yes. A new question then came into his mind: why did he say yes? Was it because John didn't want to be left alone at the flat, or did he genuinely want to help with the case? John had been asking himself that for a while now. Nowadays he wasn't sure if he was helping with the cases because he wanted to help or because he just wanted to spend time with Sherlock.

"What exactly am I looking for again?" he called to Sherlock, who was sitting in the passenger seat, staring out the window. His brow furrowed and he frowned. John figured it was because it was the third time he'd asked Sherlock that question.

"We're waiting to see if anyone goes into or comes out of that warehouse. How many times do I have to tell you?" John sighed and nodded his head. For some reason he found that after a while he would just forget why they were even out there. He blamed it on the fact that he was incredibly tired and as a result less focused. He clasped his hands together and rested them in his lap.

"Well, you know, third time's the charm." He looked towards Sherlock, and though only parts of his face were illuminated by the moonlight, he could still see the smile on Sherlock's lips. John smiled as well, then turned to look out the window. He began to wish that he had brought a coat with him when they left the flat that morning. He had been under the assumption that he wouldn't be needing it, or that he could at least stop by to get it before they came here. He'd asked Sherlock but they had come straight to the warehouse from the hospital.

His stomach growled, and he wrapped his arms around himself, in an effort to quiet his stomach and to keep himself warm. He hoped they found whatever it was they were looking for, so that if he got sick it would be worth it.

"Are you hungry John?" Sherlock asked. John didn't respond, as he was a bit embarrassed that Sherlock had heard. "If so, I've got a few chocolate bars and some crisps that I bought from the hospital gift shop."

"So that's why you went there?" John asked, leaning forward and putting his face in between the driver and passenger's seat. Sherlock turned away from the window to give John an inquisitive look.

"What are you talking about?"

"When I asked Lestrade where you'd gone, he said to check the gift shop." Sherlock raised his eyebrows and nodded his head slowly.

"Yeah, I figured if we were out here for too long you'd get hungry, so I got some snacks." Sherlock reached into his coat pockets and held up a package of crisps and a chocolate bar. John took the crisps and opened them with a smile on his face. He looked back up to Sherlock while he chewed.

"Thank you Sherlock," John said, turning to him and offering a smile. "That's really considerate." Sherlock's eyes briefly glanced in John's direction, then he looked back out of the window.

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