Chapter Eleven

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 So I'm updating this a few hours later than I'd like, but I've been out all day and have just gotten home. Sorry! This chapter is the longest one I've written.. Hopefully that makes up for the fact that it's a tad bit overdue. Maybe?

Anyways, thanks guys for the 2,000 reads! Still can't believe it. :) Enjoy chapter eleven!


It had only taken them a few minutes to find the restaurant Sherlock had been planning to take John to. It was a small crêpe restaurant called 'Carrie's Crêpes' wedged in between a shoe store and a consignment shop.

"Crêpes?" John asked when Sherlock held the door open for him. There was a smile on Sherlock's face, but a bit of uncertainty in his eyes when he replied.

"Problem?" John stared inside at the empty room and shook his head.

"No. No problem at all." John walked inside, followed closely by Sherlock, and sat down. The interior of the shop could be described as 'rustic', with wooden chairs and tables. Vintage photographs of old cars and movie stars hung on the walls. There were big, round, candle chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. The simple lighting was warm and inviting, and gave the room a gentle orange glow. John looked around a bit while Sherlock stood beside him with his hands clasped behind his back.

"Where would you like to sit?" John took a moment longer to decide on a spot, then went towards a table right next to a window. It was rather nice outside, and he wanted to be able to look out and enjoy it. Sherlock sat across from him once he removed his coat and scarf, and they both reached for the menus on the far side of the table at the same time. Their hands briefly touched, and John felt himself flinch at the contact. Sherlock seemed to have jumped as well, and when John looked up at him he was using his other hand to smooth down the bandage John had placed.

"Sorry," he mumbled, looking down as he reached for a menu.

"John I told you, no apologizing." John sighed and looked up at Sherlock, who was offering him a closed mouth smile.

"Right," he said, nodding, "Sorry." Sherlock cleared his throat, and John chuckled. He looked down at the menu and began looking over his options. Sherlock picked up a menu and looked over it as well.

"Hello there boys," came a voice that startled John. "What can I get you today?" John looked to Sherlock, who was staring at him with his eyebrows raised. He turned to the young woman and gave her a small smile.

"We're still deciding, thanks."

"Okay, just let me know when you're ready to order and I'll be back."

"Thank you,"

The woman darted off to parts unknown, leaving John and Sherlock alone once again. Sherlock pulled out his phone and began tapping away.

"What are you doing?" John asked.

"Turning my phone on silent." He glanced up at John briefly while talking. "I don't want anything to interrupt."

"Interrupt what?"


John laughed and shook his head, causing Sherlock to look up. "What?"

"What if Lestrade calls?" Sherlock rolled his eyes and waved his hand in the air.

"He'll have to wait."


"John now you're just being absurd." He placed his phone inside his coat pocket and pushed the garment to the side. He folded his hands on the tabletop and stared directly at John. "Right now, you have my complete and undivided attention."

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